Monday, March 24, 2014

An easy update!

Hi.  So it's been a little while since I blogged.  Blogged is a funny word.  Well it's 9:30 at night and my kiddo is asleep and I'm not too tired yet so here we go.  I think you readers have probably been craving an update for a while!  Well, phew!  It is finally here!  So Ezekiel, EZ as we call him, and yes we say both letters so yes it sounds like "easy".  It stuck, what can I say.  Although I always feel a little funny when a stranger asks his name... I want to say EZ but I always say Ezekiel and I often get asked, "what?"  or to say it again.  Does Ezekiel really sound like "easy kill"???  I guess so, and yes, I named my baby Easy Kill...  Have you never picked up a Bible??

Okay so a few new things, he's walking!  It's such a cute walk too.  He still doesn't have full range but he wants to.  He wants to climb up things and fit into small spaces and explore explore explore.  It's awesome!... said no one.  Actually, it is a lot of fun, but it is such a challenge!  As any parent knows.  We have to constantly keep our eyes on him because he falls, bumps, dive-bombs, and trips all.the.time.  One day he fell so bad he hit something inside his mouth and was bleeding very badly.  We were just on our way out to go to church and boom!  When he's really really upset he cries so hard that he doesn't make a sound, for a few solid seconds, then he lets out a wail!  Which he was doing so I knew it was bad!  This was the first time I'd really seen him bleed and from somewhere in his mouth I couldn't tell because he didn't want to show me.  I was panicking a bit.  Thankfully my husband was home and helped me with the situation.  Have I ever mentioned how much I love being married to a nurse?  He is a rock!  He got EZ calmed down and talked me through it.  It turned out not to be that bad and it only took ME about 40 minutes to calm down.  I couldn't hardly talk, it was so scary.  It's freaking crazy how much you love your kid!

Moving on, have I mentioned how much he LOVES to sleep?  Seriously, this kid still takes 2 naps, usually for about 2 hours each as well as going down at night around 8:30 and sleeping in til about 7:30.  He never makes a fuss about going to bed.  He absolutely loves it!  He loves walking and crawling in his crib, he loves his crib toys and blankets and he loves playing bed time games.  Mostly pee-a-boo.  He does it himself.  I'll lay him down and throw a blanket over him and he'll reveal himself, then hide, reveal, hide,... and so on, giggling the whole time.  When we turn out the lights and close the door, that's the last we hear of him.  In fact, sometimes he'll wake himself up in the middle of the night and cry for a few seconds, then roll over and go back to sleep.  He cries because he is mad that he's awake.  Just the other day I checked in on him and he heard me creak in and, with his back facing me, he sat up, grabbed his blanky, then fell right back down on his face!  So cute!  I think we've only had to let him cry himself to sleep 3 times.  He's an awesome sleeper and I love that he allows me to get lots of sleep too!  Because it doesn't come so easy for me...

Hmm what else?  Well he's still not totally talking.  Well he actually talks all the time, but he doesn't say any real words.  When he really wants something he will mumble "mom" over and over.  He does know the names of everything.  He has lots of toys and every time we ask him "where's blank" he'll go right over to it and pick it up!  Sometimes he'll even start giggling because he understands what we're saying and he gets excited about what happens next.

He LOVES food.  Way more than he loves sleep.  He's happy at bed time.  He's also happy at meal time.  But only if he gets his food right away!  He has no patience!  None!  And, when the food's all gone, he screams, drops big tears, and keeps crying until you give him more.  Even if he throws up because he is full, he still wants to eat more.  He's got no full senors, I swear!  This is really the only thing he does that makes me crazy.  It's not just once in a while too, it is ALL THE TIME!!!!  I am not exaggerating.  He throws a fit, every single time he finishes eating.  Needless to say, he's huge!  Personally I don't think he's a big chubby baby but everyone tells me he's big, and he's got the gut to prove it. He's 15 months and about 21 pounds.  He can still wear some 12 month size clothes but he's mostly in 18 months.  (there's no in-between size)  We learned recently too that he has high calcium levels.  The doctor assured me it's nothing to worry about, but it's still weird.  I don't give him a lot of dairy.  Whatever!

He's also super clingy and nervous.  I can't say I love or hate it.  I want him to not be afraid of people and to start running around!  But no, he is a scaredy cat.  He even hates it when I'm standing up and he's not being held.  If I'm up, he has to be too.  Or else I have to be on his level.  He'll throw a fit til we pick him up or sit on the floor with him.  In fact, at his last appointment I set him down next to me so I could do some paperwork and he wedged himself as close as possible to me and once I stood up, he grabbed my pant legs (which he always does) and I inched away and handed my paperwork in.  I walked about two feet away from him for about 4 seconds and his world completely ended.  But, once I picked him up, he was totally cool.  Also, I've been taking him to the park a lot lately and he hates the grass and the playground wood chips.  He refuses to walk on either of them.  But he loves being outside looking around, watching the people, animals, especially the ducks! 

I started taking a class recently, which I'll get into more in a sec, so one night a week for about an hour and a half I need a babysitter.  The funny thing is when I get home and walk through the door, EZ sees me and often starts crying.  He'll walk over to me crying, and grab and reach until I pick him up, then he's happy and playful.  It's like when he seems me, he realized I left him and then realizes he's upset that I left him.  He doesn't give the babysitters a hard time typically, he's just shy and cautious.  Then once I've got him in my arms he's super cute and playful and interested in the sitter.  Kids are funny aren't they?

So yeah, I'm taking an algebra class.  It's the first time I've dealt with a math class in like 13 years.  Sheesh I'm getting old.  Since high school, I've been in college randomly.  I did a little, took a break, went to hair school, took a break, did some college, took a break, got married, took a break, went back to school for a summer, then took a break and went back again the next summer, then took another break, had a baby, and now I'm back.  Math is the last general ed class I need.  After this, I'm just 12 credits away from an Associate Degree.  Which I know isn't much, but I'm so close, I just really want to finish.  I want to get it done before life gets any crazier when John starts his Bachelor's then Master's programs.  Or before we have another kid.  Or before we move out of state and I have to transfer credits, pay out-of-state tuition or whatever.  It's now or never to me!  Never meaning like, 15 years.  But I don't want to be an almost 50 year-old still working on her Associates....  So, I've signed up for the summer as well.  I've got 3 out of 4 classes picked and found my best option is to have the goal of a Behavioral Science Degree.  And that's about as much as I know about it!  See, that's the hard part, the reason I went to college part time for so many years.  I love doing hair, that is my passion.  So, I could never find something that I loved second best, and I still don't really know.  But I looked around at my options and that, or Business, were my best options.  But, the business classes I need to take aren't available in the right way right now.  So, Behavioral Science, for now I guess!  Yay me for getting it done!  Hooray, I am proud of myself so bugger off if you think it's a waste of time or money.  You heard me right, bugger off!

If you agree that I'm awesome, which if you're still reading this then you probably do, I want to say thanks!  You're awesome too!  I should probably update about John too.  Poor guy, I feel so bad for him.  He is still working nights and it's awful.  He is also taking a class this semester.  So, here's his typical week.... Monday: try to sleep from about 2am-12pm, go to school from about 1-3, take a nap?, go to work 6pm-6am.  Tuesday: try to sleep from about 8 am-4pm, go to work from 6pm-6am.  Wednesday: sleep from about 7:30-12:30, go to school from about 2-3, come home and go back to sleep til about 7.  Then up all night, by himself.  Thursday, sleep til about 2, try to spend time with the family, go play basketball at 9pm.  Friday, sleep from about 3am-12pm, go to school from 1-3, go to work 6pm-6am.  Saturday, sleep til about 3 or 4 and try to spend the evening with the family.  Sunday: 9am church?  yeah right!  Sometimes makes it, most the time, he just can't throw his schedule off that much.  He typically gets 4-5 hours of sleep at a time, wishes he could get more but just can't, and just feels sleepy all the time when he is awake.  So yeah, it sucks!  He was offered a day time position but had to turn it down because of school.  Day shifts are random and he needs a set schedule.  Until the beginning of May.  So, we're hoping they'll hold the position open for him for a couple months... doubtful... but maybe?!

Wow I've talked (or typed) a lot.  It's been almost an hour!  I still feel like there is more I could say but I really should try to go to bed now.  Plus, you're most likely tired of reading by now.  Also, my hands are a little tired of typing on our crappy keyboard.  Well, you are my friend and you're special.  You're my friend, and you're special to me.  You are the only one like you, like you my friend, I like you.  You are my friend.  You are special.   ...we watch a lot of Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood these days.  Gotta love kid shows right?  They really change your life!  But I absolutely love it!  Okay, now time for some pictures!!

The third picture cracks me up, he looks like he's meditating.  The fourth one is my zombie baby pic.  I just put my finger over the flash and that is what I got.  Haha!  The last one was just a funny time when John put his sweater on EZ and EZ could not get it off.  He was walking around blind.  It reminded me of that part in E.T. where he's just walking around drunk not knowing where to go or what he was doing!