Friday, August 30, 2019

Is it Spring yet?

The least bit of sun and clear skies we get, we are out enjoying it!  

For a class assignment, EZ had to write a letter and send it to someone.  He chose to send his cousin in Utah a letter.  This cousin was so excited and wanted to reciprocate.  A couple weeks later both EZ and Bruce got cards in the mail and each had a dollar in it!  The kids were so excited to get money and immediately wanted to go to the store and pick out a new toy.  This is what they got.  Thanks cousins!


These other photos are just Bruce being cute.  We were in church and although he can't read he sure knew how to pretend.  When I read with EZ I will sometimes use my finger underneath the words and slide it along to help him stay in place.  Bruce must have picked up on that! 

We have this big brown blanket that Bruce just absolutely loves.  He wants to cuddle in it always.  Especially when he is cold!  This time he draped it completely around himself and he just looked so funny bundled up in this huge blanket with his little head popping out!  Then how sweet is this picture of John reading to Bruce.  John read each character with a different silly voice.  Bruce was very interested!

 This is our St. Patrick's Day hat and Bruce just made pose after pose.  I was dieing it was so cute!

 Family bowling night obviously means posing for a million pictures too! 

We had visitors!  John's parents made the long drive just to see us.  They stayed for a few days and it was just so awesome of them to come.  They are in their late 70's and making a 9+ hour drive is no small task.  The kids were loving having their grandparents here and so bummed when they had to go.  Some times my kids refuse to smile in the goodbye photos because they just don't want to fun times to end!  I'm with ya there!