I'm way overdue for a post so hopefully I can catch ya'll up. I spent some of my early years in Texas so I can say, "ya'll." Also, I've been watching a lot of Fixer Upper and well, it just works okay! Anywho, Mom-of-2 life is getting better. I find myself wanting that baby to grow up and become more independent, but when he snuggles up to me and reaches out for me or leans in for kisses, I just melt with the sweet little baby cuteness. He is getting big fast and I just want to soak up his adorableness. That's a word right? Well, he is crawling, he can hold his own bottle, and he sleeps through the night. He usually takes 2 two-hour naps a day too. He doesn't like a lot of foods and will make faces of disgust to let me know! He reacts to everything, which is totally different from EZ. That boy never cared what we fed him as long as he could eat it. Bruce though, he makes yucky faces as well as sour faces and it's just so much fun, it's hard to care if he eats it or not. He loves to spit and roll his tongue. He loves to grab and slap things. His neck is still tilted and I'm not sure if it will ever totally straighten but he can move it in all directions. He is getting less picky but still is pretty picky about being held or wanting attention to be happy. He likes when we play peek-a-boo with him. He always mellows out when we go outside. He really loves to have big brother laugh and play with him.
EZ still gets a little jealous and doesn't always want Bruce to play with his toys, but he likes having him around. EZ is also starting preschool this week! I hope he will like it. He really seems to enjoy primary so I think he'll like school too! He is all boy and has quite a creative little mind. He remembers all sorts of things too. I'm surprised when he brings up something that happened months ago. He is also totally done with pull-ups. It's been almost a year since we started potty training and he wore pull ups to bed for a long time. But he's all big boy now! He loves to laugh and be silly. He always wants to be outside, either riding his bike, taking a walk, playing in his sand box, whatever it is, he likes being outside!
Let's update with John too. He started a new job doing Dialysis and it comes with lots of perks! He will no longer work Sundays or have to work any holidays too! It's a big pay increase and so far flexible shifts. Training is long and boring but once he's in the groove, I know he'll be amazing. His old job really misses him and I could tell they appreciated him and liked having him work there. He's still busy with school too and recently turned 35! He has a hard time with getting older and still being in school and gets stressed out at times, but he never gives up and he sees that things get done and get done right! He is very driven and I'm so grateful for the hard worker he is.
As for me, I am now 32, which is hard to believe, and I'm trying very hard to get the rest of this baby weight off. It's not as easy the second time around! I absolutely love my calling in church. I get to teach the young women and they are just so fun. We have set some goals recently and I've noticed blessings as I'm trying to reach them. There is real joy in following what you know is right. Anyway, I also get to do a little hair once in a while and I enjoy that! Not doing much else than being a mom but hey, that is a BIG job!
Okay enough updates, let's see some pictures!

Springville Parade! It was colder than expected so EZ had to borrow his cousin's girl coat!
A trip to the mall. EZ's still figuring out what to do when we say, "open your eyes."
John had to work on Father's Day so we took some sweet brother pictures for him.
Family night out bowling!
This guy always lifts one leg while drinking a bottle and laying down. He's got his own little personality!
A day at the Springville Resevoir. Babies in beach wear are so cute!
Fun moments!
Bruce with friends also born in December. Boys boys boys!
Getting ready to walk... he does this all the time while crawling. He always gets up on his hands and feet!
Happy 4th of July! I love to get decked out!

Happy Birthday to me from this little cutie!
At Nickel City
EZ is at the age of "watch me" and he is always trying to show off his skills!
Sweet brother moments. Once in a while EZ will ask to hold Bruce. They both enjoyed it this time!
EZ got 3 bee stings within like 3 seconds. He got attacked while taking a little walk with Dad. Poor little guy.
More cuteness!
Happy Birthday John! Dinner at the Bombay House