Awe summer, as I look back at these photos I remember what a great summer it was. Sure there were many moments where we stayed inside and didn't do much, but who documents that? Nah, let's look at the fun stuff! First off, EZ started a tiny tumblers gym class. He learned how to do different jumps on a trampoline, he learned how to do a forward roll (not sure why they don't call them somersaults anymore..), he practiced walking on a beam, doing a handstand against the wall, and lots of other gym type stuff. He loved it! I can't believe I don't have one picture of him doing that stuff. Instead, I took pictures of Bruce while we waited. He cracked me up trying to figure out this drinking fountain!
EZ also took swim lessons. Twice! He loved it so much he wanted to do it again. I didn't see any harm in that so I signed him up a second time in August. I have some pictures but they're mostly blurry because I had to zoom in and he was moving and jumping so much in the water. So, again I mostly have pictures of Bruce while we waited. Haha!
We also gave EZ a mohawk! I've wanted to give him one since he was a baby. He just has such thick hair that sticks up so well.
He looked good with it too. When he'd actually let me style it up.
Waiting for the car to get some maintenance done. With John being so busy, I'm the one left to do this kind of stuff... with the kids! Also, my sister and her husband came to visit in June. We only got a few hours together but it sure was nice catching up. I'm really wishing I lived closer to somebody!
Another fun thing we decided to do was buy a Thanksgiving Point pass. I couldn't resist a fun place to take the kids as often as I wanted that was indoors (air conditioned) and had a million things to do and see. Sure enough, they're thrilled about it too!
Oh these cuties
Independence day!!!
Matchy matchy
We had to bust out the pirate pool I bought last year. Still a big hit! Then here's Bruce finding his own little seat on the couch. He's small enough I guess. I love the picture with Bruce's arm around EZ. Bruce is a hugger. He loves to give hugs, even over and over again. If he sees anyone hugging, he puts his arms right out and waits for his turn. Who doesn't love that? The next picture is his spikey wet hair. He has such fine thin hair (compared to EZ who's always had thick coarse hair) and I decided to grow it out. It sticks up no matter how short or long it is, however it's finally starting to lie down and I couldn't love it more! But we'll save that for a later post.

We live close to a Cracker Barrel and it has become one of our favorite places. The food never disappoints and the service is somewhat surprising! Plus, the prices are more than reasonable. They could charge more... and whenever our kids cry or fuss or make a huge mess, no one cares! Then they have all those toys and decor that's always fun to look at. One other thing is I'm typically a french toast person but their pancakes are far better! Just a tip for you next time you go out for breakfast. In fact, we went to IHOP one day and we questioned why the whole time. It doesn't even compare! Cracker Barrel all the way!!! We also like to sit outside in their rockers. They even have kid sized ones and yeah our kids love them! We also live next to a little farm where we can look at and even pet some of the animals. We can feed them too, when we plan ahead to bring food! How happy does EZ look looking at the animals.
A few days before my birthday I got rear ended at a stop light. It really wasn't a big deal but they had to take my van for a few days to fix it. They hooked me up with a rental car and somehow the only one available at the time was a Dodge Challenger. It was pretty fun to drive but not functional or practical at all! Putting car seats in the thing was just funny. We only had it about 2 days thankfully. So, it was fun while it lasted. EZ was sad to say goodbye to it...
Bruce is getting big enough to fit into EZ's old Batman light-up shoes, which makes EZ a little jealous. We just happened to find these light-up shoes and they solved that problem. Then wait, we found a light-up helmet too? Oh man this boy gets so excited to glow in the dark!
Okay can you guess what the stuff is all over Bruce? One time when he was especially fussy and I couldn't deal with it, I gave him an Oreo to keep him quiet and busy for a moment. He came back a few minutes later with a puzzled look at his hands. Yeah, I was shocked! Didn't know Oreo's could get smeary like that. But, there ya go! It'll be a long time before he gets another one of those to snack on. Oy!
Summer swimming time!
Then a typical climb on Mom when she's relaxing on the recliner then the sticking out of tongues while she tries to take a picture of her cute kids... Classic!
More to come!