Saturday, September 6, 2008

The Start of Married Jade

So I thought I'd start this blog thing out right by backtracking a bit. I wanna start with the wedding stuff. This is probably more for my benefit than anyone else's. So, one day I met a boy named John. We dated about 1 year then decided to get married. About 3 months after that, we did. Here are some dating and engagement pictures.

Our first Halloween
Flava Flave and Bad Angel

we didn't take a lot of pictures when we were dating...


Laura said...

HI Jade, HOpe you are doing well!

I had to laugh out loud with the Halloween picture... "Flava Flave"... WAAAAYYY TOOO FUNNY!

It sure looks like you are very happy and that is great.... keep the post coming.

Laura said...

btw- I got your blog through my mom, who got it through yours.