Monday, August 16, 2010

Johnny's birthday

So my husband doesn't care much about his birthday. I think it might have something to do with having 10 brothers and sisters growing up... can you imagine 11 big birthday parties in one year? Probably didn't happen much. But I like to think birthdays are great excuses to spend money and do something you normally wouldn't do. So, we did the Tucanos thing again (like we did last year) on Saturday night.

Sunday night was spent with friends. John and I like to host what we call Sundaes on Sunday. We get a bunch of vanilla ice cream, bowls, and spoons then we invite a bunch of people over and assign them toppings to bring. So, the more people who show up, the bigger your variety of toppings will be. It's a great way to socialize and get to know people. Plus it's a great way to cool off in the summer! Here's some of the crowd...

The best part of his birthday, in my opinion, was his birthday present from me! I got John an Ipod Touch. Something that is right up his alley! He was completely surprised and so excited! I was proud to get him the perfect gift!

Today is John's actual birthday. 29! I can't believe we're getting so old so fast! He's at work right now and earlier today he renewed his drivers license. Fun huh? Like I said, he doesn't care what he does on his birthday. But at least we got to have a good weekend. Hopefully he makes some good tips tonight!


Shumfolks said...

Once again, Happy B-day to our favorite 29 year old son-in-law! I can say that right now, right?!!
Love you!, MomShums