Friday, April 12, 2013

Baby this, Baby that, dot dot dot

Alright, I think it's time for an update.  I know you all have been waiting!  First off, my kid is great!  He's absolutely perfect.  I couldn't ask for a more beautiful and healthy baby.  He is almost 4 months old.  He is smiling a ton every day and starting to laugh as well.  He hasn't lost any of his hair, in fact it just keeps growing.  It is almost 3 inches long now!  A couple weeks ago we started sleeping him in his own room in his crib.  John was eager to do it but it took me a while longer to be ok with not having him in our room just a couple feet away from me.  But there were a few days after feeling like I had to be quiet as to not wake him up where I lost too much sleep that made me ready.  And it has been a lot nicer!  He typically sleeps about 5-6 hours now which is great because I really only have to get up once a night to feed him!  Speaking of feeding... I thought I would enjoy breastfeeding, but I really don't.  I'd say 95% of the time I hate it.  It has been more of a challenge and taken a greater deal of effort than I ever imagined.  I always thought it was this wonderful bonding experience... but I'm not getting that.  It mostly feels like an inconvenience.  It takes a lot of time and patience, not to mention proper posture so my back doesn't ache.  Maybe because since I've been back at work, he is fed from a bottle and has come to prefer the bottle.  I want to do it because I want to give him the best.  I just can't help but count down the days til I can stop and get my body back to myself.  Ya know, this baby stuff really does change your life!  He's totally worth it though, just check out his cuteness.  I love him so much!

So yes as you read, I am back at work.  I am just working part time.  It's going good but it is hard not being my own boss.  I don't make my schedule anymore.  I am not in the loop of all that's going on, and I'm still not really friends with anyone I work with.  I mean, we get along great and work is pleasant, I just thought that once I wasn't the boss, people would open up to me more.  Maybe it'll just take time, but I haven't felt very welcomed since I got back.  My clients are what is keeping me around, but I'm starting to think that the majority of them will do just fine without me.  So, I guess what I'm getting at is that I want to quit.  Summer is almost here and I haven't had a summer off in years.  I'd like to have Saturdays to myself again.  I've worked at my job for 7 years now, and I think I'm ready to say goodbye.  John wants me to stay home with our son too so I know he's ok with it.  Once our finances are all caught up and John is working as a nurse making double what we're used to, I'll be able to stay home.

Speaking of John and school, he is almost done!  Only 2 more weeks of school!  Then a lot of studying to pass his test, which he'll take in May!  Then he just has to find a job!  We are very excited, but would probably be more excited if it really were the end.  He will continue on to get his Bachelor's Degree, then most likely apply for Nurse Anesthetist school.  So, he still has 3-5 more years but at least he'll be a Registered Nurse for those years making good money in the mean time.  He is working hard and wants to be done with school but we've just gotta stick it out.  It will totally pay off, literally, in the end!

I should probably take a quick minute to mention our son's blessing.  Grandma Lewis made EZ's blessing out fit and it turned out great.  My parents, as well as my sister, Cody, drove up from Arizona to be here for it.  They drove about 21+ hours for the trip in less than 4 days.  What love and support they showed. I so loved having them here!

Well that's about all that is going on around here.  Thanks for reading!


Semi Granola Mom said...

nah, breastfeeding is the pits, but you do it because it is good for them ;) good luck!

Tricia S. said...

I totally struggled with breastfeeding too. And I had such a hard time quitting because everyone talked about how wonderful it was, so I was afraid I would miss out on something, or totally regret it down the road. So far I haven't, and I've really enjoyed just making the choice with my last two to bottle feed, and pump what I could the first month. I wish I had done that with the twins. But that's just what works for me. The best advice I can give is what my cousin told me, "Do what you feel like you need to do to enjoy your baby." :) Not that you wanted advice, just thought I'd share. Haha! I'll shut up now :).