Sunday, January 4, 2015

Waiting for.....?

Well, I turned down the jetBlue job.  After a few good talks with my husband and some praying, I just feel like it was going to be too much for me and my family right now.  I'm relieved in a lot of ways but I also feel like saying that it sucks.  I can't seem to shake the feeling that something is missing.  That there is something I am supposed to be doing and I still can't figure out what that is.  Why am I having such a hard time not feeling satisfied and instead just wanting more?  I want to work... I want to see my family.... I want a bigger house... a bigger car.... another kid...  But these things are nothing I can have right now.  I hate the feeling of waiting to be happy.

I am mostly happy.  I have millions of things to be happy about and be grateful for.  Life is pretty good.  But life is also pretty hard.  No matter what, everyone experiences pain.  Pain is a lesson, and what lesson is ever not painful?  *sighs*  The hardest part is not knowing why, or for how long, or what you're supposed to do next!

At any rate, I've decided I need to sell myself.  That sounds bad... what I mean is; I love to do hair!  Even though my circumstance and situation are not exactly ideal... I can still do it!  So, I am going to try to market myself.  If you or anyone you know are interested in getting their hair done from me, please check me out at and let's set something up!

In other thoughts, I got a new cell phone for Christmas and I am obsessed with taking pictures and videos of my handsome little boy.  Here are some of my favorites,



Tricia S. said...

I totally understand what you mean. I have had that feeling so many times. If you need more space for doing hair you are welcome to come and take a look at what my house has to offer. I'm gone all day at work, and there's a couple open rooms. Good luck! Hope you find what you are looking for.

Semi Granola Mom said...

Hey you, if ever you want to look into doterra it was the answer for my stuck at home feelings. It is nice because people sign up to sell or sign up to buy, and you get credit either way. I do classes during the day mommy and me style or evening classes more ladies night out, whatver works. Hit e up if you want more specifics :D