Friday, December 26, 2014

Awe Christmas

December is such a crazy and busy month, but it all becomes worth it Christmas morning.  Actually this year it started a little earlier than that.  On the 23rd we had our traditional Grandpa Claus with John's family.  His dad dresses up as Santa and calls each family member up, one by one, and gives them a present.  This year we did dinner too- mexican style.  As always with the Lewis family foods, it was very delicious.  EZ's double ear infection had him feeling pretty miserable, I still had this annoying cough, and John's fighting a sore throat.... but we still went and had a great time!  Well, except for the part where it was EZ's turn to sit on Santa's lap.  He cried and tried to escape.  He's been very clingy to John lately so he is only happy when his daddy is holding him.  Here's some of that night.


The next night, Christmas Eve we went over to John's sister's house in South Jordan.  It's her family's tradition to have an open house every Christmas Eve.  Again, amazing food!  Also a lot of fun.  EZ had a great time playing with their dog.  He was in a much better mood, just laughing and dancing the whole night.  Anyway, I only got a few pictures of him playing with the dogs and most of them are blurry!

Christmas day was just fabulous.  It snowed!  Snow on Christmas morning is just right.  We woke up around 8, went downstairs and started opening EZ's presents.  (he still needs a little help)  Then we decided to open our presents too since there wasn't that many.  If it weren't for the holiday package my parents sent, it would have been a lot less!  Thanks Mom and Dad!  Then we made a great breakfast with french toast, eggs, bacon and sausage, hot chocolate, and cinnamon rolls!  Mmm mmm.  Then we opened our stockings!  After that we all felt a little too stuffed and sleepy so EZ took a nap and John and I watched a movie in bed.  Then we got up and got ready to head over to another of John's sister's houses for Christmas dinner.  Do I even need to mention how delicious it was?  Do you believe me yet?  Lewis's can cook!  I also realized I hadn't had to make dinner for the last 3 nights.  Woo-hoo!  I know I've packed on some holiday weight already, oh well... tis the season!  Anyway, besides eating we hung out and read a sweet Christmas book to help us keep our focus on the real gift of Christmas; the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ.


Having a 2 year-old made this Christmas extra special.  Kids just make everything more exciting!  Merry Christmas everyone!  Thanks to those in my life; my friends and family, love you all.  I am truly blessed!