Sunday, October 6, 2019

Easter and then some

 We waited until after church to do Easter baskets.  We put some new things in the yard on the grass and the baskets on the trampoline.  The kids got to run outside and find things all over.  It was cool.  The kids got mostly candy and a few toys.  Just the type of things they want!
We dyed eggs after the basket fun.  I also made a traditional Easter dinner, which basically means we had ham!  The kids also got a giant punching bag.  A fun way for them to beat on something without actually doing any damage!  Boys will by boys. 

 Another treat they got was a bunk bed!  We had a twin bed frame and then just a twin mattress on the floor.  We were all ready for the kids to have more floor space and beds off the floor!  John and I went back and forth between wood frames or metal.  He read lots of reviews and decided metal was great and a lot cheaper... but I wanted stairs with drawers, which typically are only found on wood frames.  Well, I found a set of just wood stairs with drawers someone local was selling so I swooped them up!  They are a little short because they were made for twin over twin and we got a bunk bed that is twin over full.  It still works so no biggy!  Our little Bruce gets a full mattress all to himself. 
The next picture is a reminder of when we watched, "A Dog's Journey," and Bruce balled the entire movie.  You never really know how much your kid understands but he was so upset that this little dog was lost and trying to find her person and her home.  At one point in the movie he ran into his bedroom to grab his favorite puppy stuffed animal to hold for comfort.  It was so funny and so adorable.  I was laughing but also crying with him.  What emotion! 

 A few more silly pictures of regular home life!


I never really know what to do with this guy's hair.  He has to wear it longer because otherwise most of it sticks up and looks crazy.  John likes the shaved sides and long on top, which we've done before, but Bruce rarely lets us style so it often still looks crazy.  Oh well.  It is summer so shorter the better! He does wear it well.  Before and After.
 Next up, Mother's Day!