Christmas! Probably the greatest holiday of the year. We had some fun over the last few days. We hit our 1 year anniversary which was the 21st, Sunday. We did most the celebrating on Saturday though. We went to the temple in the morning. A little advice about going to the temple the Saturday before Christmas, don't go then! We waited a LONG time and were ready to go once given the chance. Still, always a good thing to do and it leaves you with a great feeling afterward. We were starving when we got home so we moved our special eat out meal to lunch instead of dinner. My friend Abe works at Carrabbas and he hooked us up there. We had some good food and a good time! Thanks, Abe! After that I took John to see the Twilight movie...which made it my third time seeing it! Can't get enough! John was surprised that he didn't hate it! After that we spent a quite evening at home! Unfortunetly I didn't get any pictures... so, on to Christmas! I won't write about it because I think the pictures and videos will be enough explanation!
John on Dance Dance Revolution was the highlight of the day!
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Posted by Jade at 7:54 PM 4 comments
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
So this year my family all got together to celebrate Thanksgiving. This was the first time we were all able to be together in 4 maybe 5 years. I can't really remember. But it had been a long time. We decided it would be fun to do Christmas while we were there because none of us will be available to see each other at actual Christmas time. We all traveled to Las Vegas where my oldest brother Aaron and his family lives. We had a blast! We played games and ate lots of food! (there are a couple pregnant ladies right now...not me!) Here are some of the really good times captured!
The Whole Gang
And the greatest video... we played a game that was like telephone plus sherades. My only regret is I didn't get it from the start. Anyway, you might not understand what's going on but its still just fun to see us all cracking up!
Posted by Jade at 7:57 PM 0 comments
Saturday, November 22, 2008
So yesterday I saw the movie, Twilight. It's fantastic! Of course the book is better and I recommend the series! What I love about the books is the passion. It's so captivating. You have to keep reading to find out what happens. Edward is the perfect guy too, for a vampire!
I haven't been able to think much about anything else since I've seen it and I can't wait to watch it again! I can't stop thinking about it!
Posted by Jade at 6:44 PM 2 comments
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Posted by Jade at 6:40 PM 2 comments
Monday, October 27, 2008
Our New House
So, we got most of the stuff we really needed for our new house and its organized and cleaned enough to post some pictures! Now you can all tell me how jealous you are of my cute new house!!
The Downstairs / Front Room
Downstairs Bathroom / Upstairs Bathroom
The Kitchen
Our Bedroom
Spare Bedroom / Fun Room
I have to also mention the shelves on the walls. John put those up and is so proud to show them off! Aren't they beautiful??
The Stairs!
Well, that really is our whole house! Just not the outside. I guess you guys can just use your imagination for that! We still need a kitchen table as you can tell. You can probably also tell in the kitchen some of our cabinets are breaking. We'll get to it eventually... Like the tiny downstairs bathroom? Ha, its small but its all you need! We really like it here! Hope these pictures will make you want to come visit us!
Posted by Jade at 6:18 PM 3 comments
Sunday, October 5, 2008
We moved!
Well a lot just happened in the last 2 weeks! My husband and I bought our very first place. It's a townhouse type place but hey, its great! No more throwing money away on rent! We are still getting settled though so I wont post any pictures until things are a little more, well, done. So, just a quick update this time. I'll try to get back soon!
Posted by Jade at 5:06 PM 2 comments
Thursday, September 11, 2008
As we were leaving the Anniversary Inn (our first morning as a married couple) we got pulled over by a cop! John had way expired plates that he just never got around to registerring during all the crazy wedding planning. Thankfully, people are beyond generous when they find out you're on your honeymoon! We didn't get a ticket, just a 'make sure you take care of this when you get back'. We then flew to Florida. Our first morning there we went out to breakfast. While waiting in line we met another couple, years older. They were nice, very nice actually because they took care of our tab! Thanks to you two wherever you are now! We loved our honeymoon!! Here are just a few pictures of some of the fun we had, like spending Christmas with John's brother, John reading the entire 5th Harry Potter book (who does that on their honeymoon??) going miniture golfing, going to Sea World, and taking sailing lessons!
Posted by Jade at 1:06 PM 3 comments
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Wedding Day
Some Bridals. I had to show off my pretty dress and kickin boots!
It was so cold and windy outside. We were probably only out there 10 minutes max!
My side of the family
My very best friend, Katy
The parents
The cake smashing into each others faces
Posted by Jade at 6:05 PM 3 comments
The Start of Married Jade
So I thought I'd start this blog thing out right by backtracking a bit. I wanna start with the wedding stuff. This is probably more for my benefit than anyone else's. So, one day I met a boy named John. We dated about 1 year then decided to get married. About 3 months after that, we did. Here are some dating and engagement pictures.
Our first Halloween
Flava Flave and Bad Angel
we didn't take a lot of pictures when we were dating...
Posted by Jade at 5:45 PM 2 comments
Sunday, August 17, 2008
So I'm trying the start of a blog. Not sure how this is gonna work
or what I'm even doing. Well, to start off I'll begin telling of a
recent vacation my husband John and I took to Vegas and L.A. Here
is a picture of our first night with my brother Aaron and sister-
in-law Janet. They always show us a good time!
Our first night in L.A. we hit the walk of stars!
My favorite cement print was Harry Potter! Look,
I'm holing hands with Daniel Radcliffe!
Here's John having some fun too!
Our gracious hosts, Brett and Katie
Thanks everyone for letting us crash at your place! We had a great time!
Posted by Jade at 4:35 PM 6 comments