Tuesday, November 23, 2010

It seems only fair...

So I always post about the Twilight movies... but I think Harry Potter deserves recognition a lot more! How amazing is the world of Harry Potter? I haven't been to the new town at Disneyworld but I'm hoping to get there by next summer...we'll see. But seriously people, how much do you love Harry Potter?? I have read all 7 books twice each and I will read them again and again because they are brilliant! J.K. Rowling is a genious!

On November 13th I began the marathon... one movie a day for a week. I watched all 6 movies (in order of coarse) at home and then I went opening day to see the latest one, The Deathly Hallows. I was really impressed. It followed the book so closely. I know people are bickering about the weird nakedy kiss scene between an odd image of Harry and Hermione. At first I was a little shocked but then I thought about it for a few days and decided it was exactly what I would expect a Horcrux to do.... Make me feel uncomfortable. It was icky and it felt wrong and yeah it was a little disturbing. That's evil for ya.

Anyway, I told John before we saw it that I thought it would end at Bill and Fleur's and sure enough, I was right! Just had to brag about that for a second.

I'm also happy that they did make it into 2 movies. It will be a sad feeling after it's all over. I'm glad I can still be this excited about it for another 7 months.