Tuesday, December 14, 2010

a sick story that just had to make the blog...

On Sunday I finally got out the Christmas decorations. It had been 2 years instead of just 1. I didn't decorate last year because I was really afraid our cats would destroy everything and we went out of town anyway.

All the decor is in our storage shed outside. It's a pretty terrible storage closet area. Every time I get anything out of there its either got bugs or cobwebs. Yuck! Well I found the two cardboard boxes of stuff and when I pulled out the smaller one, a portion of the bottom was missing. It was wet and probably just withered away. Thankfully most of my more special ornaments were wrapped in bubble wrap so the wet destruction didn't get all the way through. Most were saved. However, some things got ruined.

The biggest let down were our beautiful stockings. We got them as a wedding present and I only got to use them once. They were pure white and soft and furry. So pretty. Well, the wet bag I wrapped those in had a big hole in it too. In fact it looked like there were shavings of the plastic bag and when I looked closer....there was something else. Brace yourself.... DEAD MICE!!! That's right, about 4 or 5 dead baby mice. All curled up together, probably trying to keep warm and well, they didn't. I about freaked out, I think you can imagine. I yell for John because I could not look at it. I was actually surprised at how revolted I felt. Anyhow, he carefully picked up the bag so as not to spill the mice on our floor and placed it in the garbage. Then immediately took it to the dumpster.

A few minutes went by and I realize some of our most fragile ornaments must have been wrapped in those stockings. Ya know, to keep them from breaking. We had some little personalized stain glass angels that someone awesome gave us that never showed up. My guess is they were in the stockings, lost forever. It's really sad. I'm a little heart broken over it. Not only did we lose such beautiful stockings, but also some of the nicest ornaments we own. Ugh. It goes without saying that when we take down the decorations this year, they are going in a plastic Rubbermaid Tupperware thing. No more cardboard boxes. Ick!

Merry Christmas!


Shumfolks said...

Sad story. I believe I know where those stockings and the angels came from; so, never fear, new fuzzy white stockings are on their way (Yep, as my children say: "if my Mom doesn't have it, you probably don't need it!). Accompanying the stockings will be this year's ornament, Arizona style. Watch your mail and enjoy!

PS/Be sure to try to ventilate the area well you're working in if you find mouse droppings -- they may carry Hantavirus. Don't breathe that air or be sure to wear a mask...lovely thought,I know. Now THAT should make someone laugh, but I'm sure Jade is thinking eeewwwwwww!!!