Monday, January 3, 2011

The End to Two Thousand Ten

This is long overdue...
First off, after that sick discovery in our storage closet, John and I made an effort to clean out the closet and organize it really really well. That Tupperware is a dream. Although the best part was after everything was organized and put away, John looked down and saw some stuff on the ground. That stuff was ornaments! That's right, the angels didn't get thrown away like I thought. They must have fallen out of the box with the hole in it and I didn't notice at the time cause it was kinda dark out. Anyway, I jumped for joy! Also, my wonderful mom sent us new stockings of the same kind we lost and so, everything worked out! It's a Christmas miracle! Here's our cute tree and wreath. (Thanks to my brother Brett and his wife KT. Its still glowing you guys!)

The week of Christmas was a VERY stressful one. It started with a work crisis that lasted almost 2 days. Thankfully nothing tragic happened. Well on Tuesday, the 21st was mine and John's 3rd anniversary... and I had to work because of the crisis. So, we decided to celebrate it the next Tuesday... which I'll get to in a bit. The rest of the week was just busy busy busy. Christmas day was nice. I got John a waffle maker, he's been wanting one bad and so we had waffles. We went to his parents house and had waffles for breakfast! After chillin at the in-laws for a while, we met up with my brother Aaron and his wife and kids. We went to a movie and that was about it. We then went back to the in-laws for dinner and then went home. It was low key and way nice to relax.

So then Tuesday came around and we decided to celebrate our anniversary. We basically got errands done in the morning and afternoon then headed up to Salt Lake to see the Temple Square lights. John had never done that before and it had been about 8 years for me so we thought it would be nice and hey, free! After the lights we went out to eat at a place called Buca di Peppo. It's Italian and really good. However the service was not that great! Aren't my ear muffs cute!! (Thanks again Brett!)

As for the rest of the week we just played it low key as well. We stayed in for New Years Eve and Day and ate waffles and watched TV and played Tetris. Lots and lots of waffles and lots and lots of tetris... and its still going on...

On a side note, I found this picture of John and I on my Sister In-Law's blog and thought I'd share it. It's from my sister Cody's wedding open house thing so John and I were very serious at this time but not quite engaged yet. I wanted to write more about our story and everything but I'm tired so I'll save it for another time. Look how tan I am and how young John looks!


Shumfolks said...

And a very happy new year to the two of you, too!....with lots of love!