Thursday, July 5, 2012

Independance Day

I have ALWAYS loved the 4th of July. Being patriotic just comes naturally. I love celebrating a holiday that everyone else in the country celebrates with you! And talk about fireworks, how amazing and fun are fireworks? I could do or watch fireworks every month, maybe even every week and never get sick of them. I'm sure my husband gets annoyed with me every time there is an opportunity to see them because I MUST be present! I even get stressed when I think I am going to miss viewing them or even stress out that my location to view them isn't the most perfect spot to view them from. See, I am obsessed! Not just with the fireworks, with the whole holiday. I could literally go on and on about how I love this nation and how grateful I am to those who lived and died for it and those who continue to build and repair it, but I won't take more time then just that.

So this 4th we spent most of the day with the Lewis family. John's father went through quite an ordeal this time last year but he came through and is alive and just as well. We are so grateful that he's alive and here another year! What an even greater excuse to get together and celebrate! We always have a lot of food at any of John's family gatherings, so eat we did! Once it got dark enough we did just a few fireworks with the remaining kids, it was great fun. I'm convinced any holiday is better around children. They make everything so exciting. They kept saying, 'this is the best day ever', priceless! I can't wait to have my own little hyper-active freaking out party animal child!

Here's just a few captured moments,


Scott & Melanie said...

You look so cute!!! I love your little baby bump.

shumfam said...

I love that you love the 4th of July! too! Green grapes & Bing cherries :)