Monday, July 30, 2012

28 and starting out GREAT!

Yesterday was my 28th birthday. Woah! Where did the time go? I guess I'm not a kid anymore. I'm considered in my late 20's. What a year this has been, is, and will be. My 10 year high school reunion is coming up AND I'm having a baby! My family reunion is this week and we find out if this baby is a boy or girl in a few more days. I can't wait! Will totally be posting again soon so stay tuned!

Since John has been so busy with school this summer, we haven't had much time for fun. I desperately needed some fun! In the summer we like to host what we call 'sundeas on sunday' a few times each summer. It's basically an ice cream party. We get a tub or two of vanilla ice cream as well as bowls and spoons then we invite people and have them bring the toppings. We try to have 10-15 people and we usually get a nice variety of toppings. It's a lot of fun. Well we hadn't done it yet this summer and because my birthday happened to fall on Sunday, I told John that's all I wanted for my birthday! BUT this time we invite everyone we can! (he did get me a present too, a body pillow to sleep with because sleeping is getting more difficult...)

It was a BLAST! I got to see so many of my friends and a few that I hadn't seen in years. It was so fun and the time flew by much too fast. Sadly my parents were supposed to be there but they got car trouble on the way up and didn't make it in until today. BUT I still had a really fun time! I didn't get many pictures but here's a few,
Cade & Jessica

Juan & Rachel, Jake & Cody
Amber and Chrissy
Dave & Amber
Traci & Mark
Me and Brittany

Sarah & Mike

Ben, Jason & Angie and Kyle

Emily Leah Beau Bobby

Me and Emily



Scott & Melanie said...

Hope you had a great birthday! Sorry I missed this party, but I will try to be to the next one!