Sunday, August 5, 2012

WE'RE HAVING A BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I know the pics look weird but that's because I had to scan them and well, ultrasound pictures just are a little weird. Oh we had such a wonderful experience. Not only did we learn the sex but we also learned that everything is growing normally and looks healthy and great! Cute little fella kept crossing his arms and legs! I can hardly believe this is really happening!!! What made it even better was that my parents and both my sisters were able to come to the ultrasound (as well as John). They all live out in different states and far away but my family just had a small reunion so I impatiently waited to do my ultrasound at 21 weeks so they could join in on the fun and it was totally worth it! It feels so much more real now and oh my gosh I cannot wait to meet this handsome little guy! Now we can really start to agree on an official name. EEK I'm just so excited!!


Unknown said...

Congrats! Boys are so much fun!

Scott & Melanie said...

So excited for you! Hope you can find a name you both like. ;-)