Saturday, September 1, 2012


For many reasons we decided to remodel part of our house.  Here are some before and after shots.
                     BEFORE                                                                                                                   AFTER



So yeah, doesn't even look like the same house since when we first moved in.  Besides the new furniture and some rearranging, everything else is redone!  The yellow walls were painted like 3 years ago and so that doesn't really count for the upgrade but the blue wall is new.  Totally new.  It's drywall that was hung, mudded, and painted and topped off with molding.  Fancy huh?  John wanted that badly because for one, he hated the ugly faux wood and two, it helps drown out the noisy neighbors.  Bonus! 
Then in the kitchen we did all sorts of new stuff.  We built a pantry with broom closet/cat litter box storing.  It isn't totally finished, we still have to build a door for the broom closet.  But shoot it gives us so much more room and bonus, our food isn't out in the open for all to see anymore!
And not to mention there are whole new cabinets doors in the kitchen.  We chucked the old ugly ones and John, with the help of his dad, made completely new doors.  He's amazing.  He also raised our oven and put a floor covering at the bottom to make it look pretty and to level it out (which it needed badly).
We had lots of help from family and friends which made it get done faster and made it so much easier to do!  It took a while to get it this far and there are still some tweekings in store (like touch up paint) that we'll have to get to next break we both have.  We still have more we want to do in the kitchen too.  We want to put a back splash of tile above the counters and then repaint all the green wall that's left to the same blue of the drywall.  We keep saying we want to add on more projects and tackle the upstairs but once this baby is here, I don't know that we'll have time!  I guess we'll see!  But doesn't our house look brighter and happier?  That dark paint was doing us no good!  We at least got this much done in time for baby and it is SO MUCH NICER!!!!  My husband is remarkable and I'm so proud of him and all the hard work he did.  We get to admire it everyday now!  My house just became way more livable!!!


Scott & Melanie said...

Your house look great!!! It looks like a totally different house!!