Friday, September 28, 2012

That Third Trimester

I'm finding it hard to know how to start this but I remember back from my English classes that if you don't know where to start to just write what you're thinking and then you'll get somewhere.  I mean, I know what I want to say, I just don't know how to say it.  I guess I'll just say exactly what I'm feeling.  This pregnancy is starting to wear me out!  I don't think anyone can fully prepare you for what you'll go through and how you'll feel until you go through the experience yourself.  I mean, I love that I'm pregnant and I can feel this amazing little life inside me and all that.  It's just I've started my last trimester and it is kicking my butt so far!  I'm having a hard time looking for something positive between now and when the baby comes.  Everything is just going to get harder and more awkward.  Just to name a few, I'm having a harder time sleeping, driving, working, and getting off the couch.  I've also found my mean streak.  I've heard women talk about how they're mean when they're pregnant and now I understand.  My emotions are taking control.  I got lost running an errand the other day for a friend and I almost burst out crying because I was so frustrated!  And then there's my growing body!  I have gained about 30 pounds already and I still have 11 weeks left to gain!  I'm freaking out a little and definitely not feeling any type of sexy which doesn't help things in the bedroom, and that's a big bummer too!  And then sometimes I laugh so hard I have to run to the bathroom because I'm afraid I'll pee my pants!  Yuck!

Ok I know I am complaining A LOT and I don't sound very happy but I am really happy.  I think I am just really ready not to be pregnant anymore!  I want to meet this little guy and snuggle him and be done with work for a while.  I just can't find anything to look forward to these next 11 weeks.  Don't feel sorry for me, just tell me I can get through this, that time will fly, and I still look great despite the extra weight!  Or remind me that there is still lots to do before baby is here and give me a list to check off, that would be great too!   It's times like these I wish I had my family around.  I know they wish they could be here too.  Sorry for the depressing post but I think it's important to document how you're feeling when you're pregnant, the good along with the bad. 

On the good side, I think we have a name!  I don't want to disclose it yet but if you ask me, I will tell you.  And hopefully my next post will be something happy and exciting!  But I make no promises!


janet said...
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Scott & Melanie said...

Don't get discouraged!! You are almost there! You can do it! Just to warn you my post might be all over the place. First, off you will be skinny again! In fact after your little bundle of joy is here and you give your body sometime to will love your body even more. (Just a side sad will still look pregnant after he is here. No one told me that. But it doesn't last for long.) Here is my list of things I will someone would have told me to get ready...make freezer meals. Ones that you will eat. Make sure you have extra of baby stuff like diaper creams and liners for bottles. Because you will not want to go to the store just for those things. Get a pump! If you are going to nurse. Read all about it and make sure the nurses at the hospital help you understand how to use it. That's my list for now! If I think of something else I will let you know! :-) Remember your body was made for this! Your body can do it! I am so happy for you!!!Miss you!!!

janet said...

You need to write more! I love your posts especially when you say how you really feel! I totally understand the last trimester MISERY... But it does end eventually :) Maybe these blog posts of mine will help. I wrote when I was in my third trimester with Simon. It's hard to feel sexy when you don't feel like yourself!

And THIS post was written when I was preggo with Ro.

Even though I felt like I was complaining, I am so glad I documented it. Keep it up girl. 11 weeks will fly by! and PS. I LOVE the name!

and sorry I deleted my first comment, I posted the wrong link. Love you, Jade!

Cody said...

Sista, you're amazing. I still can't believe you are growing a human being! That is AMAZING! We (women) can actually create life. WOW! Eleven weeks ain't no thang. You're one of those "cute preggos" so stop thinking that you aren't. I love you and I'm excited to meet little Rocco. Or whatever you're going to name him =)

Unknown said...

Ok, I won't be too fluffy here. Being pregnant sucks, especially in the last trimester. But even though you feel huge, loose sleep over not being comfortable, there are positive things to look at. Enjoy those last few weeks with just you and the hubs, because once that bundle of joy comes, it all changes. It will be difficult, but will be the most rewarding experience you'll have as that baby grows. Good luck Jade!

Tricia S. said... so hard. I felt like all the things parts of pregnancy I looked forward to I ended up not even being able to appreciate or enjoy because I was so miserable. Really what I feel like I truly gained from pregnancy, and what I would call my "favorite" part, is learning what I'm truly capable of. I've made myself do hard things. But pregnancy is different because no matter how hard it gets, no matter how much you want to throw in the towell, you can't just quit. I really learned a lot about what I'm truly capable of. Had I always known my full potential I might have accomplished more before I had kids.

Also, enjoy what you can of pregnancy with no kids :). I thought I knew pregnancy, but my first was so much easier because I had no kids to take care of, or to feel my pregnant wrath. Boy, does that bring on the guilt and the tears.

It's hard to watch you body grow and change and have no control over it. You don't feel sexy or pretty in the slightest. But you're doing something amazing and hard. And it will make you even more of an amazing person. And even though there are days you'll feel like you'll never feel good again, when its all over you'll be amazed jow good you feel, and how well you can sleep-- even if its only 3 hours at a time.