Monday, April 21, 2014


My whole house has been sick.  I got it first.  Some nasty viral infection.  It's been 2 weeks and I'm still fighting a lingering cough and trying to pop my clogged right ear.  It has been the most annoying cold with the slowest recovery ever.  Bleh!  My poor husband missed a whole week of work because of it.  Thankfully the baby didn't get it too bad.  Just a little fever for a couple days and a runny nose.

Well we thought we were going to be too sick to celebrate Easter with the family this year but remarkably we started feeling well enough, like the day before.  So, we went over to Grandma and Grandpa Lewis's house for dinner, dessert, and an egg hunt with just about everyone.  EZ didn't participate in the egg hunt.  He gets pretty shy and clingy when we take him, anywhere.  Plus we didn't want to spread any germs!  It's so nice to have John's family here to celebrate with.  I'm glad we're not alone for the holidays. 

Taking after my cute Mom, I made some deviled eggs and some festive Easter-style jell-o for the party.  My first attempt and it went really well!  It was all gobbled up too!  Pretty much everyone in John's family can cook and bake amazing stuff, so, when I make something and it all gets eaten, it makes me feel good!  Here's some pics,

I also wanted to share a little video of us opening my Mom's Easter package.  It's not that exciting, I'm mostly just posting it for my Mom to see!  Thanks Grandmother! 
Happy Easter!