Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Ezekiel is 1.5

It's been far too long since I've blogged!  I will blame it on school.  Remember how I said I would be going to school this summer?  Well, I have 3 online classes and then a second block class that starts in a couple weeks.  It has kept me very busy.  Whenever the kid is napping, I am doing homework. 

Well today Ezekiel officially turns 1 and a half.  He will officially be going to nursery... although I've already been taking him for the last 2 months.  He is just so hard to wrestle these days.  He's into everything and he's gotten really fast.  Plus John is still working nights and that makes it pretty impossible for him to make it to church.  So that means I take EZ to church all by itty bitty self.  Turns out I'm happier, and EZ is happier, to be in a room with snacks and toys rather than me chasing him around the church and ending up roaming the hallways.  Thankfully the nursery leaders don't mind.  I usually stay the first hour then ditch out so I can go to relief society.  EZ is never happy about that, but I don't really care.  HA!  He's just gotta get over it and start learning to cope.  The funny thing is he never acts happy to see me when I pick him up.  He usually starts crying.  It's like he realized the sense of betrayal and wants me to know he doesn't approve of my leaving him.

Anyway, he's getting big!  He is almost too heavy for me to carry anymore.  So I make him walk more than I carry him now.  He likes to hold onto me some of the time, but if he doesn't, he'll just take off in any direction.  He still needs to learn boundaries.  He will usually walk towards food... which reminds me!  The kid who used to eat EVERYTHING now refuses to eat almost everything.  I am losing my mind with this sudden new behavior.  And my patience!!!  I'm also worried he isn't getting enough nutrients and what not.  Plus it's getting to be a messier situation too since he pulls stuff out of his mouth and drops it wherever.  Or he hits my hand holding the food away and it splashes all over.  I'm getting annoyed just typing about it.  GRR!   Okay steering into a new direction...  He is still a super cute kid and he is making some really silly faces these days.  Well, see for yourself!

Watching Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood.  He loves this show which is great for me because I get a few minutes to myself and can get some stuff done!

                 Yeah, did not want to eat in these sad pictures...
 He did not want his picture taken!

 Such a silly poser!

 Trying on Dad's shirt!

 Balloon chasing fun!!!!

 These were taken today!

I can't believe how old he is already!  In just 6 more months he'll be 2!  I'm so grateful he is mine and I get to experience all the good... and the bad!  Also, a late Happy Father's Day to John!  He is a fantastic Dad and we're so happy to have him!!


Sarah L. said...

He is so cute! I love the pictures where he's "posing" on the couch. He looks like he had a blast at the park!

shumfam said...

Oh, so precious! He's growing too quickly for this grandmother....I'm coming to Utah SOON!!!

Scott & Melanie said...

He is so cute! Love his hair!