Saturday, July 11, 2015

More good news

Well I guess it's about time we tell.  If you hadn't already guessed by the bigger house we moved into and the big van we bought.....I'm expecting!  It took about 4 months this time around.  Which really shouldn't have been any big deal.  Funny thing is, it happened when we finally gave up hope.  We said, whatever!  It will happen when it happens.  Then it happened!  After being two days late I took a test.  Then I looked up when my due date would be.  December 31st.  OF COARSE another December baby.  The exact timing I was hoping to avoid.  Just my luck right?  God has a sense of humor.

Well I've been way sicker this time around than I was with EZ.  I've thrown up several times (and still do occasionally).  I started showing at about 8 weeks and could no longer do up my pants.  I'm 15 weeks now and am in full blown maternity clothes.  They are still a little big for now but they are more comfortable.  I look farther along than I am and a lot of people are saying it's twins.  I really hope not!  I'm also zapped of energy.  Doctor said he guesses it's a girl judging on the heartbeat.  I kind of think it is because of how vastly different this pregnancy has been.  Part of me hopes it is so I can have one of each and be done if I want to.  But, we'll see.

So over July 4th EZ and I flew to Arizona to visit my family.  I surprised them all with the news.  I got a shirt for EZ to wear that reads, "I'm going to be a BIG brother" and didn't say anything until someone noticed.  My mom picked us up and noticed after about 2 seconds.  She had her suspicions she said.  Then when we got to the house my dad came out and I was holding EZ.  I said, "he has something to tell you" and pointed at his shirt.  Then we walked through the door and I awaited reactions.  After about a minute or two, my sister Cody sneaks in asking, "what does his shirt say?" and then everyone has to pause and read it.  It takes a second to sink in too.  They read it, think "oh cool," then realize I'm pregnant.  Haha!  It was so fun!!

The trip was fun most of the time, haha!  It rained a lot which put a damper on some stuff.  But we made up for it.  Brett brought fireworks again and although it wasn't as crazy dangerous as last time, it was still awesome!  I kept EZ up this time and he went nuts for the fireworks.  He LOVED them.  He even did about 5 sparklers.  He kept saying "fireworks" over and over again.  It was the first thing he said when he woke up the next day!  It rained so much on the 4th that they cancelled the big fireworks.  It was SO disappointing!  We got all settled and were waiting with our glow sticks and glow balloons highly anticipating the big beautiful booms in the sky and people started leaving.  A few people walked by us and announced the cancellation.  Boo!

We also had a silly dance party the night before.  EZ got really into it.  See for yourself,

Cody and I had a dance, Brett and Aaron did an impromptu Ice Ice Baby dance, Aaron and Janet and their kids did their "what did the fox say" dance, as well as other fun and games.  We were all laughing and sweating!  It sure always seems like it goes by too fast.  Too many people to see in too short a time.  We always talk about how we need to get together more often, and we do!  I told everyone to come visit us now that we have room enough for them to stay!  I hope they do ;)  Look at those 10 grand kids.  There are actually 11 but one was feeling shy.  This baby will make #12.  EZ especially liked his cousin, Landon.  I think he favors girls.  He followed her around and would ask for her if he didn't see her.  She was great with him too.    

Towards the end of the trip I started feeling sick again.  I threw up a few times and just had stomach aches.  I'm still recovering a bit but doing better.  I think EZ and I caught a bug because he got sick when we got home too.  Someone always has to be sick right?  OY!  But I gotta say, he did well on the airplane.  The way to he slept but on the way home he was awake and busy.  Thankfully the flight is just over an hour long.  He sure was happy to see his daddy too.  We were away from John too long!  But, it was totally worth it.  Can't wait for the next get together!!

Here are some more fun picks from the party...


Scott & Melanie said...

So excited for you! One of each sounds about right... ;-) Hope your energy gets comes back soon. EZ looks so big and cute!!!!