Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Post Appendectomy

Well I certainly jumped the gun with my last post.  John got home on a Thursday.  He was not recovering well at all.  Again, the pain would come and go.  I listened to his stomach and heard nothing.  No gurgles, no nothing.  We knew he was blocked.  This poor guy's system was not passing things through.  Finally on Saturday he decided he needed to go back to the hospital and figure out and fix whatever was still wrong.  We got to the ER and boy they sure can make you wait and wait.  We waited over an hour before they got us into a room.  The x-rayed John's chest and stomach.  They couldn't quite see what they were hoping to see so they did another CT scan.  After that, he was readmitted.  That drain he had must have been pulled prematurely.  He had more fluid build up inside that would have to be drained.  Plus, they were concerned his intestines might be infected from the blockage.  I think one of the hardest things to hear was that he couldn't get his surgery until the next morning and he wouldn't be able to eat or drink anything until after surgery.  Ugh!  John was so dehydrated.

The only good news was he would be in surgery very early.  I was expecting a call at 5 am.  John didn't call until almost 8 am.  He said they couldn't get his done until 12.  Boo, liars!  Thankfully though he called back around 9:30 and said they were ready for him and would be coming to get him any minute.  So, I ran EZ over to my sister-in-law's and headed to the hospital.  He was already in by the time I got there.  John's parents got there shortly after me.  We waited about an hour before the surgeon spoke to us.  He said they didn't find any infection and they checked by flushing him three times.  So, good news.  He did have a lot of fluid and would need a drain again.  That we expected.  He also said he believed that the blockage would be able to move its way out now.  Also good news.  So we waited for them to come get us when he was awake so we could go up to his room with him.  We waited and waited and nobody came.  Finally we called and someone told us he'd been in his room about a half an hour.  What?  I was so annoyed!  I specifically made sure I'd be there by his side as soon as I could and again I wasn't.  We got up to his room and he looked so out of it.  His parents didn't stay long and I only stayed about a half hour.  He just wasn't in a mood to talk or do anything but sit there and try not to feel so much pain.  I wished I could do something for him.  I went home and picked up EZ.  We hung out for a few hours then I took him to his grandparents and went back to see John.

He seemed a lot better but still in pain obviously.  After about an hour his parents came, with EZ, as well as his sister Kathy, her husband Clay, Chris, and his mom, Becky.  The men gave John a blessing.  I went home shortly after because again, hospitals are not kid friendly!

On Monday I had a dental appointment in Salt Lake at 1.  So again I dropped EZ off at his Aunt's house and went to the dentist.  A few hours later I made it to the hospital.  John seemed so much better.  I stayed about two hours then went home.   EZ had been with his Aunt and cousins for about 8 hours.  He had a blast, but I was starting to feel bad about all the lugging around.  He didn't eat well that day and I think this whole experience was starting to affect him.

Tuesday was a bad day.  John still hadn't had any real progression (if you know what I mean) and so they were giving him all sorts of treatments to get things going.  He was in so much pain.  It made him very grumpy.  I don't blame him, but I will say that it was not fun to be around him.

Wednesday was my birthday.  What great timing huh?  John called me early, wished me a happy birthday, and told me I should bring EZ down sooner than later.  He seemed to be feeling better that morning.  So we got there around 9 and stayed about an hour.  I didn't feel like going home so I took EZ shopping with me.  I've been wanting a few more maternity clothes.  The ones I do have I'm wearing all the time and cycling through them fast.  It's just no fun to wear the same things over and over.  I found a few good things.  We drove home after that and EZ fell asleep in the car.  I put him right down when we got home and surprisingly he only slept about an hour.  We didn't do much after his nap, I just wanted to spend time with him so he could feel a little more normal about everything.  Then my brother stopped by for a quick visit.  He was making his way to Vegas because he and his family are moving back there.  He was going early for job interviews and all that.  He came by and I got to show off my new home!  We got interrupted by my relief society president who had heard about what was going on and just wanted to show her support by stopping by.  It was nice, but not good timing.  Shortly after she left John's parents arrived.  They were  picking up EZ for me so I could go back to the hospital.  It was a crazy 20 minutes or so.

At this point John still hadn't made progress in the bowel area and he had thrown up a bit so they decided he had bial in his stomach that had to come out.  Poor guy had to get a tube up his nose that went down to his stomach.  It's job is to suck out the yucky stuff.  It had got quite a bit out once I got there.  I saw some of it, it was super nasty.  So it was a good thing, but probably the worst thing John has ever experienced.  He was in so much pain and the tube kept causing him to gag.  He told me when they put it in he was swearing up a storm because of the pain.  After having it about 3 hours he told them to take it out.  He was done.  He wasn't taking it anymore.  I didn't watch it come out.  My stomach is not that strong.  Show me blood, even guts and I'm fine.  But when it comes to the up-chuck reflex, I can't do it.  He was so much better after it came out.  I got a good two hour visit then he told me to go and enjoy my birthday.  I went to my in-laws to pick up EZ and have dinner.  They surprised me with cupcakes and sang "happy birthday" to me.  It was quite sweet!  After I got home I invited my sister-in-law and her kids over to help me with the left overs!  No way am I going to eat 2 dozen cupcakes myself!!  They made it and also sang "happy birthday" to me, on my doorstep!  It's so fun living so close.

John called that night to tell me the news we'd all been waiting for!  He pooped!  Ha ha, it's funny now, but sort of embarrassing to talk about.  It's just this natural thing we take for granted but man, when it doesn't work, it is the worst!  John was so happy he was even crying!  I think that bial sucker thing did the trick!

So, Thursday he called early again to say things were still working and that they expect him to go home today, as long as the doctor approves.  They still wanted to make sure he's functioning before sending him home.  I talked to John at 2:30 and he said it was looking about 4 that he would be able to go home.  EZ was sleeping and I got on the computer for a while.  I set my phone to charge right next to me.  After I while, I went to grab for it and the screen froze up.  So, I turned it off, took out the battery and turned it back on.  Except, it didn't turn on.  I kept trying and it still wasn't turning on.  I kind of felt panicky because I knew John was going to call any minute.  I tried everything I could think of and still no luck.  So I decided I would wake EZ up and just go to the hospital.  EZ does not like to be woken up before he is ready.  It makes him sad and clingy.  We got all ready to go and I realized I could stop by my sis-in-law's and use her daughters phone.  I get a hold of John and he sounds a little annoyed with me.  After I explained he was fine, he was just ready to get out of there!  We eventually made it.  John was even able to walk himself out!  Before heading home I stopped by a t-mobile store to see if they could help me.  They couldn't.  The phone I have is not one they supply.  John and I bought matching phones online from Amazon for Christmas.  So, I've only had it about 7 months.  But without it even being able to turn on, no one can fix it.  So I needed a new phone.  I absolutely hate how expensive phones are now.  It is so stupid to me!  Of coarse the timing couldn't be worse either!  After a few days of pouting, I went into the store and found a newer version of my phone that just happened to cost less too!  So, I bought it.  It's so nice having a phone again!!

Anyway, off topic.  So, John is recovering well at home.  It is just a long slow process.  They sent him home with a picc line and a drain.  He was visited by home health care nurses a couple times too.  They know he's a nurse and able to give himself the medicine he needs so no point in them coming to do it for him night after night.  He had nearly two weeks worth of antibiotics to administer.  He also had to remain on a liquid diet until Tuesday when he saw the doctor again.  (He'd lost almost 20 pounds because of how he had to eat) He got his drained pulled then and immediately started feeling better.  That tube across his belly was causing the most pain we think.  The picc line remained in almost 2 weeks after getting the drain out.  They wanted to keep it to see how he did once he was done with the antibiotics.  If he had any sort of relapse they could easily get him what he needs with the picc line.  Every once in a while he would get some abdomen pain.  Usually after he did something a little strenuous, like pick EZ up.  He started back at work Monday, the 17th.  He said it went well, just a little pain the last few hours of his shift.  He also worked the next day and things went even better.  He is feeling really good most of the time, but he still just has to make sure not to over exert himself.  So today, Wednesday the 19th, he got his picc line out.  It felt like it had been in there forever, especially when we went swimming twice and he couldn't really get in the water...

Anyway, I was finally able to give John, and EZ haircuts.  They were both overdue!  We wanted to wait until his body was his own again just to be careful not get any hair in any equipment.  Take it from me, that stuff gets everywhere!  It's starting to feel like normal life again.  I've been writing this post out for weeks now and I'm finally ready to end it, and move on with the rest of what's been going on this summer.  Big thanks to everyone for their sweet thoughts and prayers for John's recovery.  He should be out of the woods completely now!!  And thanks to all those that helped with watching EZ and supplying me meals.  Difficult times seem just a little easier when you don't have to worry about a million other things.  I feel very grateful to have such great family and friends close by.  What a difference it can make!