Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Here come the holidays

It's getting colder here.  We definitely need jackets now.  One thing there is to do here is go to a swap meet.  It's mostly bogus stuff, okay that sounds harsh, but it is mostly other people's stuff that they want to get rid of.  Some of it is home made items for sale.  You can find some cool stuff, but it's mostly used junk.  Anyway, right next to it is a church/school with a playground.  The kids loved spinning on this.  I wish I still had the stomach I had as a kid.  Spinning sounds awful to me now!  

This guy lost another tooth!  I think that is number 6 for him.  He's lost more than most his friends his age.  His back molars are coming through too.  Why must this be happening so quickly??

 As Thanksgiving is approaching we are counting down the days before we visit Utah!  So, these pictures don't have much explaining other than kids being cute!

On the road!  Bruce does pretty well in the car, but he does get tired of being in his seat for so long.  I don't blame him!  It's a 9+ hour drive.  So, sometimes I unbuckle him and let him sit up front with me.  Only when it's safe!  Anyway, he stole Dad's sunglasses and gave me some good poses.  I love his face!

We spent time at the nickle arcade, with family, and some friends.  We were there for about 5 days and it didn't feel long enough.  This is really the only picture I got of people.  We had a sister's dinner that was just wonderful.  I sure miss being around all these people.  Til next time!

And just like that, we're home again.  I decided to get ready for Christmas before we left so we could come home to a decorated tree, house, and all that jazz.  I'm not sure, yet again, what is going on in most of these pictures other than kids being silly and cute.  Bruce thinks he can just sit on EZ when they watch TV. 

Grandmother sent her present box and I had to show her proof that kids do play with the box more than the toy... right?  It's fair to point out that they hadn't actually opened any gifts yet, but they were getting started playing.

Our church had a really nice Christmas program, and of course Santa!  My boys would not sit through the spiritual part so instead we waited in the hall, were the first ones to get dinner, and pretty close to the front of the Santa line.  EZ did amazing!  He sat on Santa's knee, requested a "remote-control-bee" and talked briefly with him about being a good boy!  Bruce on the other hand wanted NOTHING to do with Santa.  He was all excited right up until go time.  So, there he is avoiding as much as possible.  Ha!

I love his face!

EZ was also in the Christmas program at school.  Thankfully we got there pretty early and didn't have to sit in the back.  The Kindergartners sang "Feliz Navidad" and a few others with the older kids.  EZ got to play one of the wise men as well.  I literally had no idea what to expect and I was so pleased and overwhelmed with how well he did!  Sorry the pictures aren't great.  There were a lot of people and I had to zoom in quite a bit. 

Dad has been working long hours lately and we sure miss him.  Everyone is happy when he comes home.  Most especially is our dog.  He loves John the most!

This naughty boy shows up naked around the house all the time!  He has learned how to take his diaper off and he'll do it if we can't get to him first.  I was at one end of the house and had to chase his naked bum to the other side of the house to get him dressed.  This is the only appropriate picture and I had to share because it was too funny seeing him walk around naked like it was no big deal!

This other sweet picture of my much more mature son is too cute.  All the stores we go to are decorated for the holidays and EZ just loves to get his picture with the cute ones.  He's even holding the snowman's hand. 

The year is almost over but in our family that means, the busiest time of year is about to happen!  Stay tuned!