Saturday, November 2, 2019

June 2019

Summer is so much fun right?  Our dog Max sheds a lot, so we thought we would shave him not only to prevent less shedding but also to help cool him off in the summer.  He's been having some issues with one of his back legs.  He keeps limping on it.  So, we'll have to keep an eye on it.  Thankfully he doesn't complain or really let it slow him down much.  He's such a good dog!  
Other things going on.. I feel like the pictures sorta explain themselves, right?

I drew faces on their hands and they loved it!  Who knew something so simple would be so entertaining!  The next pictures are of when we went to the circus that came to town.  It was SO HOT in that big tent, but the performances were great!  Well worth the over priced tickets, haha! 
Dad time!  John is great at getting the boys outside to play sports.  We got to celebrate Father's Day too!  We also went out to dinner at a steakhouse.  It was a good day!  We love our guy, he is a good husband and father.  He works hard but plays hard too! 

Bruce is potty training!  We keep him in underwear and no pants and that means he has better access to his... covered area!  He uses his underwear like a belt, or gun holster.  This particular time it was where he kept his toy snake, that big yellow toy in his hands!  You can see he tucks it up into his underwear.

Splash pad time!   Bruce's swim trunks kept falling down.  Why are kids swim clothes always way too big?  Anyway, they clearly had a blast!


I like to go to Sonic in the summertime for half-priced shakes!  Oh the many faces of EZ!  One Sunday the kids looked especially spiffy for church so I took a picture!  The last picture is of when we found a frog outside and brought it in for a while.  We get a lot of critters when it rains a lot and well, it's monsoon season.  We also get lots of snakes and lizards.  Makes living here a lot of fun.