Friday, November 22, 2019

More of July

When we bought our minivan it came with these headphones.  They are in the seat pockets of the kid's seats.  So, whenever my kids wander to the back seat, they tend to find them.  I couldn't resist the cuteness of Bruce wearing them.  How funny right?

Summer fun means cool pool goggles!  It also means fun times with the neighbors!  Even though they look a little bored.  EZ saw this Catboy pinata and wanted his picture taken with it.  Cute kid!  Sadly... it also meant our sweet dog Max wasn't doing well.  When we got back from our vacation, his weak leg was very swollen and he looked more miserable then ever.  We decided to get him looked at and sure enough, he had an extremely bad bone cancer and his leg was broken!  I mean, what a champ.  He really didn't let it bother him.  But there was nothing to do for him and well, we had to put him down.  It was hard.  The kids did not want to watch and John couldn't help but shed some tears.  The man like never cries.  We took his body back home and buried him.  He was such a good dog, I'm glad we could give him one last good year.
Pioneer day parade!  Even though we don't live in Utah where Pioneer day is a state holiday, in northern AZ it is still very much recognized.  I had to snap a picture of the garbage company and how they paraded down the street.  I mean, only in a small town are you going to see kids happy to be in trash cans throwing candy at other kids...?
A few silly faces of the Bruiser.  He loves to steal my phone and take a gazillion pictures.  Sometimes he captures things that I do end up keeping! 
EZ learning how to clean his bathroom.  I'm not the best at delegating the chores but I need to be and I do eventually want my kids doing their own cleaning.  I'm just a perfectionist and I'd rather just do it the first time then re-clean what they tried to do.  It's hard being a parent!  Also look at our Sadie girl.  She has been a lot of fun!  It's also been nice to have her around after the loss of Max.  Her energy helps to keep us upbeat and happy.  Puppies are so playful! 
Swim lesson time!  Finally!  The kids have been asking for a while now... they weren't in the same class but they were back-to-back.  So while one is at lessons, I take the other to the splash pad, or the dollar store next door.  Bruce doesn't take naps anymore but he gets pretty wiped out after an hour in the sun.  He passed out in my bed this particular time.  Then I just love catching the kiddos reading books without being told to! 
Something is sprouting on our fruit trees.  We got a few apples and it looks like we are going to have lots of peaches, and I mean LOTS!  Can't wait!
There isn't much to look at living here, except for the sky.  I do love the sky here.  Wide open sky.  The sunsets are gorgeous too.  It's surprising how little I miss the mountains.

Happy Birthday to me!  Ah 35!  John had the kids make me this fun poster and John got me flowers.  My parents sent me some cool sailboat earrings and I wore my cool new checker board shirt.  I'm kinda obsessed with checker board!  Plus do you see the shirt with tacos and avocados?  I mean, how fun is that shirt?  Oh and if you're wondering why I have a picture of bacon, well, I feel like I have perfected the way to cook bacon: you bake it.  You bake it for about 10 minutes at 375.  It comes out crispy but flexible.  Perfection every time!  Anyway, happy July!  Can't believe summer is almost over.  It really has been a fun one!!