I can't forget to mention that our fun neighbors have a pool! We went over there to swim several times and it was always so much fun! It's one of those 4ft pools so not huge, but definitely big enough! It's really perfect for the kids!

Our peaches are still growing strong! Just look at how many are on that branch! Then just look at how juicy! We made peach ice cream this time too and it didn't disappoint! We added a little whip cream to make it peaches n cream. Okay so the wet Bruce picture is of the one time we made it to the splash pad this year. Because our neighbors have that pool, we didn't really feel the need to drive across town for the splash pad, but we did have to go at least once! That is the only picture I got! Okay and that zucchini is humongous right? I mean, when things grow here, they grow baby!
Bruce started year 2 of preschool! EZ started 2nd grade online and I didn't think to get a "first day picture." ...poor kid, sorry! It's a strange world these days and we're still adjusting. We agreed that because Bruce's preschool only had 4 students this year, and it's just a few hours a week, that our chances were pretty safe so he could still go. It's been going great!
Getting ready for Halloween!!! My mother sent the boys these pirate masks. We also painted pumpkins! I did these ones, I guess I didn't get pictures of the ones the boys did... arg another fail! Bruce wanted a clock pumpkin so I did this one for him. It's "almost 5," just like Bruce, haha! Well making and frosting cookies is also a fun tradition and they turned out so cute!
Even though fall is approaching, I still got a wicked sunburn from trimming bushes one day. Season changes are always tricky. But the cooler weather makes for great days at the park!
Halloween party!!! John and I got out our old Gomez and Morticia Addams outfits and we won second place in the adult costume contest! Bruce won first place in the kid contest! It was such a fun night full of good food and great people!
We went to another party a few nights later where everyone brings themed food. I did my classic jell-o brain and other jell-o creatures. It sorta fell apart by the time we got there but it still got eaten up!
Finally trick-or-treating! It seemed a little risky this year because of Covid but we decided it was worth the risk! We would remain outdoors and candy is all wrapped so not too worried. We hooked up with our neighbors and just walked up and down our street. Not as many people were answering their doors but the ones that were ready ended up giving the kids handfuls of candy because they weren't getting as many trick-or-treaters and they wanted to get rid of it. So, all in all, a successful year! Our boys went as a Storm Trooper and Robin.
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