We've had such a fun fall so far! I am not ready for winter and I hope she takes her time getting here. We started the month out right by going to a pumpkin patch in Spanish Fork. John had to work that day so he's not in any pictures but we did go with some of his family so that made it fun! EZ is still a little too young for a lot of this stuff but I know he loves it!
After the pumpkin patch we went to Aunt Cristy's house and hung out there for a while. EZ loves her house and her kids. They love him too. They always tell us to come back over the next day. Cristy has some of the youngest cousins on John's side, which is why I think he likes them because they give him constant attention and they also have a ton of toys! You can see he loves to put stuff on his head like a hat. Anything that will fit and/or balance on his head, he will put it there. He also loves sunglasses and you can tell he's super cute in them!
He's starting to really talk, even though it's not much. He will try to repeat what you say. His favorite letter sound is "c" or "k" for example he mostly says, car, cold, cracker, cup, key, cookie, and cool. He still does a lot of sign language and I try to introduce more and more to him. Aunt Cristy is pretty impressed with how well he does it. Makes communication at this age easier. EZ is becoming more and more independent too. Still clingy, but getting faster at warming up to new situations. He loves to climb, dance, jump and shake his booty! He still never wants to stop eating either. I just wish he'd get over this picky eater phase (at least I hope it's just a phase).
On to other October things, I got GOOD NEWS! My oldest brother and his family just moved to Salt Lake City! I finally have some family in my same state! My brother is amazing and a new Utah Lawyer! I went to his swearing-in ceremony downtown. It is so crazy there, I never want to live in the big city. Anyway, it was really nice to support him and everything but we didn't stay long because EZ was way cranky. It was his nap time and he would not let me put him down without balling. I didn't get any pictures but my sister-in-law did, here's a couple:

A few days later WE ALSO went to Thanksgiving Point with John's sister and niece. She has been working there and offered to take us for a big discount! It was John's first time. We walked through the dinosaur museum then through their farm country. EZ loved looking at everything, (and pointing to everything) even though some of it was a little scary. It's so hard to get a good picture of him because he is so active and curious, he never holds still! He did really well holding on to the pony during his pony ride and when it was over he was signing "more," haha!

After Thanksgiving Point we went swimming. My kid LOVES water, and splashing, and drinking it, and everything involved in water. He always cries when it's time to go. (He even cries when his bath is over, he never wants the water fun to stop!) It's just a small drive through a neighborhood to the pool so EZ "drove" us there... he loves all things cars too. Every time we unbuckle him from his car seat, he climbs to the front and sits down and pretends to drive, saying "car car car" over and over. You can also see his excited face, he pulls that face ALL THE TIME! It is so hilarious and we never get tired of it!
After loading all these pictures, I've realized I need to make John get behind the camera more. It seems most of my pictures are selfies, and not always flattering...
Anyway, about a week later WE ALSO went to a traditional Halloween time dinner with a group of friends where we dress up, go out to eat, and enjoy being kid-free for a night! It may only be one time a year we ever see some of these friends, so we make a big effort to do it up right! Here's John and I straight out of Hogwarts, ...We only got these costumes a couple hours before the party. Halloween tends to sneak up on me every year and we're always scrounging last minute. Thankfully some people in our ward let us borrow their Harry Potter stuff just in time!

THE NEXT DAY I woke up with a tickle in my throat. So I spent the last week of October sick! EZ caught my cold too and he's had this cute little scratchy voice for a few days. But we're both much better now. Thankfully we were well enough to go to our ward's Trunk of Treat on Halloween. I didn't get EZ's costume until the day before. He went as Batman! It worked out that I had purchased some cool Batman light-up shoes a few weeks ago that just happened to have matched his costume perfectly. He did well at the trunk-or-treat too. I walked him around and after seeing what was going on, he happily went to each car, grabbed out a piece (or two) of candy and excitedly put it in his bucket. Isn't he cute?
The pic in his car seat was him super upset when the party was over, then totally fine once he had his bucket. The last pic was me trying to get him in action with the light-up shoes. It kind of worked...
So that was our October. Such a fun month! Even if we were sick for part of it :)
P.S. Here's some other cute pictures from this month.