Saturday, December 20, 2014


I officially have a 2 year-old!  I just marvel at how quickly and also slowly time goes by.  It also amazes me at how much harder my life has been, but also how much better it's become since this little man was born.  I'm so grateful to be blessed to have him, he is remarkable to me!  I'm grateful that I get to spend almost all day every day with him.  He is so sweet, with a soft and warming little voice.  His smile always melts my heart and his laugh always makes me smile.

He is learning and growing more and more every day.  He talks all day long (most of it gibberish) and loves to repeat back what he hears.  He cracks up at some of the funnier sounding words like; dizzy, stretchy, yucky and gooey.  I don't know where it came from but one of his favorite sayings is, "i-e" especially when he's in a silly mood.  When he says "potty" it sounds more like "ki-ee" and he is understanding more of what going potty is all about.  He makes the sign for it every time he sees a bathroom and also when he goes #2.  He also loves to flush the toilet.  We're still a long ways a way from potty training, but it's exciting to see him grasp a concept!  Isn't it funny how parents portray the world?  Anyway, here are some more things EZ does.

  • When he gets excited about something his eyes light up and he takes in a deep open breath.  
  • He knows to fold his arms for a prayer and he claps at the end of each one.  
  • The word he says over and over, all day long is, "hi".  He always waves a lot too, mostly to people who aren't really looking at him.
  • He gives good hugs and kisses.  As well as blows kisses.
  • It's harder getting him to take a nap, I think because he doesn't want to stop playing and he doesn't want to be without us.  
  • He is pretty clingy still and shy around new people and places.  I never have to worry about him running off because he doesn't like to drift too far from my side.  
  • He likes to hold hands too, especially when he's feeling nervous.  
  • He loves hats.  He'll put anything on his head that will stay on his head.  He usually says, "hat" but sometimes he'll say, "crown."
  • He also holds just about anything up to his ear like a phone and say "elwo"
  • He loves to feed the ducks.
  • He's obsessed with all things cars and more recently trains.  He says "choo choo" when he plays with toy cars.  (we don't have any toy trains)
  • He loves to splash!  Bath time is always a very wet time for Mommy.
  • He loves to hop and jump, as well as dance and kick.  He can really shake his booty!
  • He plays peek-a-boo with himself.  He'll cover his eyes with his hands then take them away quickly.  I've caught him doing this to himself when he thinks no one is watching.
  • He still crams in as much food as will fit into his mouth even though he ends up choking and spitting some out!  He never wants to stop eating.
  • He never tires of building towers.
  • He likes all the kid shows but his favorite is, Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood.

I tried to get some cute pictures of him last week but my camera isn't that fancy, and this little dude is so busy that he just can't hold still!  The first one is the best one I got.  They're all a little bit blurry but I still like them so I'm posting them.  Isn't he cute?  He loves feeding the ducks even if they swarm us.  He tried a pine cone... then a dandelion...  


 We had a birthday party for him on Sunday, a few days early-but like he even knows!  It turned out pretty good, we had it at our clubhouse (the castle).  I did cupcakes again this year, I just think they're easiest for a group.  I also made rice crispy treats and spinach lasagna roll ups.  We also had ice cream as well as grapes and strawberries.  It was a good spread.  A little real food and a little dessert food!  I just get excited when people eat and enjoy the things I make, just makes me feel good!

 It took EZ a few times before he grasped opening up presents.  He got excited with every new gift he got, so excited that he didn't hold still long enough for my camera to get a decent picture of his happy face...  Have I complained enough about my camera?  Well if it bothers you, then I encourage you to buy me a fancy new camera!  Te he, ANYWAY.... some of these pictures are funny because he looks drunk in them.  I seem to be able to catch him half-blinking almost all of the time.  He was also scared to blow out his birthday candle.  That probably doesn't surprise you though!  Here's a few seconds of it,

The next day he had his 2-year doctor appointment.  His stats: Weight 30 pounds -95th percentile, Height 34 inches -32nd percentile, Head Circumference 19.25 -68th percentile.  Basically he's short and stocky.  I don't know where in his genetics he got short and stocky from.  Certainly not my side. In fact he was off the chart for his weight!  He definitely is getting harder and harder to pick up and hold.  He also wears a size 8 toddler shoe.  He was always a big boy!

We got a special holiday and birthday package from my Mom on Wednesday.  So EZ got to open a few more gifts, which he enjoyed!  Grandmother sent us this little dancing and singing Christmas tree too, which EZ both loved and hated.  Here's some of that experience.

His actual birthday 12-18-14, wasn't super exciting for the most part.  John had to work and I had a dentist appointment, so EZ got to hang out at his grandparents for a while.  He does really love it there though!  John's work had a Christmas party at Fat Cats that night so we got to do something fun at least!  Free Costa Vida and free bowling is right up my alley!  -No pun intended.  Sadly though EZ did not have a good time.  He clung to John and just whined and whimpered the whole time.  He's still not a big fan of new places with lots of noise and people.

Lastly, on top of everything else this week, we've been sick!  It hasn't been the worst colds ever thankfully but still, super sucky to be sick!  I had 3 different dentist appointments this week and having a sore throat and cough didn't make them any easier.  But we powered through it.  Hopefully we're all healthy and well by Christmas.

Anyway, HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY SON!  I can't believe it's been 2 years already.  My life really changed for the better when you came along.  I love watching you learn and grow.  You make our family feel complete.  Although we'll probably give you a sibling someday!

Love you