Monday, December 22, 2014

At a loss

For the past few months I've just felt like something's missing.  I feel like I had plans that fell out of my control and just didn't happen.  It all started in July.  I was texting the owner of my former job at Fantastic Sams and I mentioned how I wanted to come back to work.  She said I was welcome back anytime!  She also told me that one of the manager's had just given her notice and would be needing to hire soon.  So, I called (my old salon that I used to manage) and talked to the manager.  For protection I will just call her L.  She was the one who took over managing after I stepped down because of having my son.  I went back to work after EZ was born and it was a hard transition to have someone I recently hired and been manager of be my manager.  That's why I worked at the other location for a while before quitting last August.  Anyway, I told her that I had just talked to the owners and was told they'd have a spot for me soon at the salon.  She told me that she and another girl were quitting soon.  We talked about when I would probably start and how many hours I'd work and stuff.  I told her I was thinking about September but could probably do some days in August. She said she'd look at her schedule and get back to me.  Well, about a week went by and I hadn't heard from her so I called the salon again and she answered!  She told me she had been out of town and hadn't had a chance to look that far ahead so still wasn't sure when I would get on the schedule.  I told her I would text her my availability and she said she'd let me know.

I sent her the following text on July 28th:
Hi L*, this is Jade.  Just wanted to let you know more about my schedule.  Also, who do I need to talk to after you aren't there?  August is pretty busy for me, but I have a few days available if you need them.  So I think September would be better for me to start a real schedule.

She didn't get back to me so after 2 days I wrote her again on Jul 31:
My best days in August are Monday the 11th any closing shift, Tuesday the 12th no sooner then 3 because I have school, Thursday the 14th also 3-8 because of school, Monday the 18th any closing shift, Tuesday the 19th any closing shift, Friday the 22 any closing shift, and Monday the 25 any closing shift.  Then I'm out of town til Sept. 1.

I still didn't hear anything for a week so I text again on Aug 7:
Hi again, just wondering if you have a start date for me yet?

She actually responded just a few minutes later saying: No I don't need anyone yet.  Prob not until sept when me and another full time girl quit.  I had lots of people out of town but everyone is back now.  Also they still have not decided the new manager.

I wrote right back and said: Okay that works for me!  Thanks!!

She says: Ya no problem!

So I waited.  And waited.  Waited for her to contact me and let me know when I would start.  It seemed clear to me that I would start in September and she would pass along the information about who I was and that I would be working soon to who ever was going to be the new manager.  Well, August was coming to an end soon and I still hadn't heard anything so I text her on the 22nd:
Hi, so I have my September availability whenever you're ready for it :)

No response.  On Sept 5th I write: Hi L*, I don't want to bug ya, but I'm eager to start working.  Do you have an idea when you'll want me to start?

She writes back this time saying: I haven't worked there for a couple weeks now

I respond: Oh sorry, I just don't know who to talk to, I thought you were still there!  Nevermind

She replies: No problem!  Karli is the new manager.  

AND THAT'S THE LAST I HEAR FROM HER!  Can you believe that?  She told me she was quitting in September and she clearly quit in August.  Why didn't she tell me that when I wrote her about my availability for September?  If I were in her position I would have kept in contact every step of the way.  I would have had the new manager contact me and work things out from there.  So anyway, I called the salon to talk to the new manager, who was busy at the time, and didn't call me back for several hours.  She told me that L had hired some new people before she left so they're were fully staffed and didn't need me.  WHAT??  I was shocked!  I asked her what she even knew about me because I had been told 6 weeks ago that I was going to have a job and work 2-3 days a week.  She said that L told her I just wanted to be "on-call"....... Again, total shock!  This L person clearly hates my guts and wants to ruin my life.  She totally screwed me over!  I then contacted the other location's manager who actually knows me and she sadly told me that she'd love to have me back but they were fully staffed as well.  What a mess right?  I then got on facebook and deleted L because she clearly is no friend to me.  I started asking around about salon jobs and getting on KSL looking for job postings.  After I mellowed out in a few days I started to feel really good about not going back to work just yet.  I felt like there must have been a higher purpose or reason things didn't work out.  In some ways it was good.  I was able to babysit a few times for a friend who really needed it..  I was able to let my husband attend school and work and do homework without the stress of conflicting our schedules..  I got to stay home with my awesome son and visit with friends and stuff.

Shortly after all this I got called to teach the sunbeams in my ward.  I was surprised that I was getting a "Sunday only" calling since because I didn't have a job, I didn't have any weekly obligations that would prohibit me from a calling that required me during the week or something.  Does that make sense?  I really thought I was going to be called into Young Women's.  Of course I always think that and it never happens....  In the mean time I'd interviewed at a few other salons but they just didn't feel like a good fit.  One of them wanted me full time, which I just can't do.  Another wanted me to go to a 2 week training and also work on Sundays.  No thank you!  Well after about 2 months I tried again with Fantastic Sams and still no spots open for me.  Ugh.

John suddenly became convinced that I should work for jetBlue.  We know some people who do the work-from-home job and really like it.  So, I applied.  What a process that is!  They have you take some online tests, each a few days apart.  If you pass those, you go in for an interview which is like 3 hours long.  They introduce you to the company, take information and just make sure you're a real person who is interested.  Then they do a background check.  Which is also a lengthy process.  I had a few set backs but sent in everything they needed.  It's been a week and a half and I just got a call today that I got the job!  Although, after all that waiting I thought the pay off would feel better.  John was home briefly and we were both like, "okay..."

So, I don't know.  I've just felt at a loss.  I feel like there was so much more I could have been doing for myself and for my family.  Why did it take so long to get somewhere??  Being a stay-at-home-mom is a real challenge for me.  I think I must just really enjoy working.  Of course being a mom is more work than any job, I know!  I do love being home too, don't get me wrong.  It's just that until a few minutes ago it seemed like there was no opportunity to do more and it's been very frustrating.   I was just making myself crazy because my destiny felt out of my control for so long.  It's not a good feeling to feel like other people run your life.  I don't know if this makes any sense.  Sorry, I guess I just had to vent!  I don't know how this job will go or if I'll feel any more fulfilled but it is the first step.  As I write this, it is brightening my day.  I know I'd much rather be doing hair, and I guess I still can on the side... but jetBlue has a lot of perks so, hopefully it all goes well... wish me luck, and thanks for reading!