Thursday, December 27, 2012
Ezekiel's birth story
Posted by Jade at 2:43 PM 1 comments
Thursday, December 20, 2012
The time has come
I wasn't planning on blogging again until the baby was born but here I am almost a week late with way too much time on my hands. John suggested I blog and write out what I'm feeling and although I wasn't going to, I'm kinda glad I am. It's Monday night and I am 5 days over my due date. These 5 days have been some of the longest days of my life. This whole pregnancy has felt long but this last week was definitely the worse.
On Wednesday, my due date, I was anxious and trying all the "home remedies" to get my labor started. John had finished out the semester and our bags were packed, the house was clean and everything was ready. I started out a little excited because I was experiencing some braxton hicks but they never became more intense or frequent. The hours flew by and I was beginning to realize that my son would not be born on this oh-so-awesome of days. By the time I finally made it to bed I just knew he wasn't coming in the next few days either. I tried to deny it but I knew I shouldn't get my hopes up either. They told me at one of my doctor appointments that they won't let me go past 41 weeks, so I knew the 19th would be my last day for sure. It was feeling like a very long ways away. So, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday dragged on by. I was losing my mind a little bit. Frustrated and concerned. Cranky and paranoid. Hating how I had to tell so many people 'still no baby'. Every night I'd cry a little bit because I couldn't handle the waiting. Being pregnant is just emotional. I know it's normal to go over with your first baby and I know the baby is doing just fine staying in there but as much as I know, I couldn't help but be worried... and annoyed. Finally on Sunday I was feeling a little better. I had an appointment for Monday and I had decided not to wait any longer so I was comforted with the thought of just 1 more day. Well today is that day and it's almost over and still, no baby. I got up early and took a nice shower and shaved, I curled my hair cute and put on make-up. I was ready. At my appointment my doctor said unless there is some sort of risk, they won't induce me til Wednesday. I expressed how I was ready now and after checking me he agreed we could go ahead and get me scheduled for Tuesday. I took it. Whatever, one more day.
So tomorrow I will get a call in the morning (hopefully fairly early) that tells me to come on in and they'll get me started. So today just feels like another boring day of waiting. Around 5:30 I told John we needed to do something special because it's our last night just the two of us. That thought process freaked me out a little. We just went and got dinner and that was nice enough. It's getting really cold out now and being so huge, that was all I was up for doing. But now, writing this, realizing what I am about to go through tomorrow is incredibly overwhelming. I'm feeling inadequate and a little selfish. I can't believe I'm actually doing this. I am going to be a Mom and that's a forever kind of thing. It's remarkable and terrifying. I guess that's all I can say about if for now. I hope I can sleep tonight!
Oh and just for document purposes, here is me on 12/12/12 at 40 weeks. Not my fave look but everyone says to take a pic to remember... I guess I'll want this image of myself at some point in the future.
Posted by Jade at 6:00 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
2 more weeks and counting
I have a feeling I'm looking more at another 3 weeks. I've made almost no progress but hey, they say that's normal and everything is moving along just as it should. I guess we can only wait and see.
Well I have officially stopped working. I wanted to work right up until but it was getting too hard. Being on my feet and having to bend over to wash hair all the time was just hurting my body too much. I was feeling more useless than useful and I didn't want my girls to have to rely on me when I couldn't hardly do anything anyway. It was harder than I thought it would be to leave. I definitely don't feel ready to completely quit. I just hope I don't get too bored waiting around for this baby to come. I am making to-do check lists and so far I am keeping busy! Although I can't believe it's not December yet!
Anyway, one thing I've been doing a lot of lately that is bringing me joy is lunch dates with friends. It's funny but as I get closer, more of my friends are reaching out and wanting to get together. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love it! I have just felt so blessed and loved lately. I have amazing friends and family. This baby has been so richly spoiled and he doesn't even know it! I can't wait to meet him and show him off to the world. I don't want to get into specifics but I just wanted to say that people are truly amazing and I don't know what I'd do without all the kindness given to me. I don't always feel like I deserve it but I guess that makes me appreciate it and be more grateful. I only hope I can do the same!
Hopefully my next post will be the birth announcing instead of more rambling or complaining of, 'when will this ever end!!!' stay tuned...
Posted by Jade at 12:09 PM 0 comments
Thursday, November 1, 2012
6 weeks to go!
Posted by Jade at 4:01 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Being pregnant ain't all bad
This is just a quick little note I wanted to make. My husband has been studying all day for midterms and it caused an ache in his neck. So, after working about 6 hours today I somehow found it in me to give him a neck rub to help soothe the pain. What you need to know is I'm not that great at giving massages. John isn't that great either and we both secretly wish we had married someone who was naturally gifted in this area. Anyway, as I was digging in he exclaimed how good it felt and that it was the best massage I've ever given him. I pondered as to why this might be and came up with what I think is a good assumption. You see, I have been working less these days because pregnancy is kickin my bum and I just can't run my life in the same way that I'm used to. My job is physically demanding and I'm constantly using my hands. But, since I have not being using my hands as much, they must not be as tired as usual, therefore rested hands means better agility and performance. He got very excited when I told him my theory because to him that means that someday when I'm not working, I'm just home, I will never wear out my muscles so I will always be able to give him a stronger and better massage. Yeah well, here's hoping!
Posted by Jade at 8:47 PM 0 comments
Friday, September 28, 2012
That Third Trimester
I'm finding it hard to know how to start this but I remember back from my English classes that if you don't know where to start to just write what you're thinking and then you'll get somewhere. I mean, I know what I want to say, I just don't know how to say it. I guess I'll just say exactly what I'm feeling. This pregnancy is starting to wear me out! I don't think anyone can fully prepare you for what you'll go through and how you'll feel until you go through the experience yourself. I mean, I love that I'm pregnant and I can feel this amazing little life inside me and all that. It's just I've started my last trimester and it is kicking my butt so far! I'm having a hard time looking for something positive between now and when the baby comes. Everything is just going to get harder and more awkward. Just to name a few, I'm having a harder time sleeping, driving, working, and getting off the couch. I've also found my mean streak. I've heard women talk about how they're mean when they're pregnant and now I understand. My emotions are taking control. I got lost running an errand the other day for a friend and I almost burst out crying because I was so frustrated! And then there's my growing body! I have gained about 30 pounds already and I still have 11 weeks left to gain! I'm freaking out a little and definitely not feeling any type of sexy which doesn't help things in the bedroom, and that's a big bummer too! And then sometimes I laugh so hard I have to run to the bathroom because I'm afraid I'll pee my pants! Yuck!
Ok I know I am complaining A LOT and I don't sound very happy but I am really happy. I think I am just really ready not to be pregnant anymore! I want to meet this little guy and snuggle him and be done with work for a while. I just can't find anything to look forward to these next 11 weeks. Don't feel sorry for me, just tell me I can get through this, that time will fly, and I still look great despite the extra weight! Or remind me that there is still lots to do before baby is here and give me a list to check off, that would be great too! It's times like these I wish I had my family around. I know they wish they could be here too. Sorry for the depressing post but I think it's important to document how you're feeling when you're pregnant, the good along with the bad.
On the good side, I think we have a name! I don't want to disclose it yet but if you ask me, I will tell you. And hopefully my next post will be something happy and exciting! But I make no promises!
Posted by Jade at 9:36 AM 6 comments
Saturday, September 1, 2012
For many reasons we decided to remodel part of our house. Here are some before and after shots.
So yeah, doesn't even look like the same house since when we first moved in. Besides the new furniture and some rearranging, everything else is redone! The yellow walls were painted like 3 years ago and so that doesn't really count for the upgrade but the blue wall is new. Totally new. It's drywall that was hung, mudded, and painted and topped off with molding. Fancy huh? John wanted that badly because for one, he hated the ugly faux wood and two, it helps drown out the noisy neighbors. Bonus!
Then in the kitchen we did all sorts of new stuff. We built a pantry with broom closet/cat litter box storing. It isn't totally finished, we still have to build a door for the broom closet. But shoot it gives us so much more room and bonus, our food isn't out in the open for all to see anymore!
And not to mention there are whole new cabinets doors in the kitchen. We chucked the old ugly ones and John, with the help of his dad, made completely new doors. He's amazing. He also raised our oven and put a floor covering at the bottom to make it look pretty and to level it out (which it needed badly).
We had lots of help from family and friends which made it get done faster and made it so much easier to do! It took a while to get it this far and there are still some tweekings in store (like touch up paint) that we'll have to get to next break we both have. We still have more we want to do in the kitchen too. We want to put a back splash of tile above the counters and then repaint all the green wall that's left to the same blue of the drywall. We keep saying we want to add on more projects and tackle the upstairs but once this baby is here, I don't know that we'll have time! I guess we'll see! But doesn't our house look brighter and happier? That dark paint was doing us no good! We at least got this much done in time for baby and it is SO MUCH NICER!!!! My husband is remarkable and I'm so proud of him and all the hard work he did. We get to admire it everyday now! My house just became way more livable!!!
Posted by Jade at 7:34 PM 1 comments
Sunday, August 19, 2012
3 Happenings Lately
#1 My family had a small reunion the first week in August. We went to Park City and stayed a few nights in other people's condos that we rented. We had a nice time just hanging out, relaxing, eating, and swimming. I was the lucky one who didn't have far to travel which I appreciated because driving too long makes me uncomfortable these days. My family came from South Carolina, Texas, Arizona, Nevada, and California. It was so nice to see my nieces and nephews and everyone. We had a little bit of bad fortune sadly. My husband got sick and missed out on almost everything and my brother-in-law had to fly home after just one day because his brother passed away. Regardless, we made the most of our time together and before I knew it, we were all headed our separate ways again. I hate living far away from everyone. I hope someday soon we can all live within doable driving distances. On another downer note, I was a bum and didn't take any pictures. Hopefully my Mom can upload hers and we'll still have some documentation of our trip. It was so nice to be all together, I can't believe how fast time went.
#2 My handsome and still very young husband turned 31 recently and compared to last year,
this year was pretty pathetic. He didn't want any money spent on him and not much of an activity this year either. I am such a party animal (I think I get that from my parents) that it blows my mind that he doesn't want to do something fun. I usually make him anyway! I decided to work on his actual birthday because of work circumstances and instead celebrate the next day. So, on John's birthday he pretty much did nothing all day. He drove back to Park City to pick up some things that got left behind and read some books at Barnes and Noble. Then he played video games, watched TV and played basketball. Typical day really. So I made some plans of things to do together the next day and instead we got busy starting our remodel up again. Around 4 we called it a day and decided to go get some dinner with a few friends. John wanted Indian food (which I don't care for but will support for special occasions) so we went to the Bombay House in Provo. We had a nice time and that was pretty much that. Definitely not as awesome as last year but John is happy and that's all that matters!
#3 You may be wondering if I got John a present for his birthday.
Well, sorta. All summer I've been complaining about how hot it is and
how I can never get cold enough and how I hate sweating after getting
out of the shower. Blow drying my freaking long hair was getting so
annoying. So, I decided it was time to go short! I wanted to wait til his birthday because that way I could make my cut his gift and I wouldn't be spending any money on him. It may seem like a cheap gift but hey, I wouldn't be complaining about it anymore and I know he really wanted that! All summer he has been excited and ready for me to do it. I would come home from work time and time again and if I mentioned I had any news, he'd run down the stairs to see if I'd chopped my hair yet. He kept telling me not to wait! He likes it long, don't get me wrong. He says he just likes me to like it. So, the big question was, how
short? I
decided I could donate it so I'd have to do at least 10 inches. I was
not afraid to go short. Hello! I've had short hair most of my life and
let's face it, I just am a short-haired kind of girl. So, thankfully I
was smart enough this time to take some pictures.
So, what do you think? I went a little shorter after the first cut. I didn't realize I had so much! I love it short and so far haven't missed the long hair one bit! I can't believe I waited so long to do this! I even think I'll go shorter, eventually. Maybe add some fun colors too. I can't decide. It's a whole new canvas with lots of possibilities so stay tuned, exciting things may be coming.... to my hair....!!!
Well that's what's been going on lately. The baby is still doing well and growing every day! Less than 4 months to go!
Posted by Jade at 4:38 PM 2 comments